Recommend me a septic tank company

The previous homeowners said it has been ~2 years since they had their septic system pumped.
Judging by their amount of lies, I can correct that 2 years, to be probably more like 10-20 years. (Probably a little extreme, but they’re douches)

so anyway.
Genesee county did inspect the septic system before I purchased it, and obviously passed it otherwise I wouldn’t be here now.

I haven’t the slightest idea of if it needs to be pumped, or how soon it will have to be.
I’m also not very interested in checking it myself.
Dying by falling in to years worth of someone elses waste is not my preferred method of death.
So I’d rather spend a little money now to get it checked out, than have the whole system get fudged.

Anyone know a company that’s reputable?

I’m not sure of the area they cover but this is who I would call…

Lakeshore Septic Service - (716) 934-4754.

I’ve never had a septic tank so I’m not speaking from experience, but they have been friends of the family for a long time.

I have septic (thank you clarence ridge) and use Macken. always been happy with thier service/prices

Macken here too.

Find your access door to your septic. Pull it off. Look in the hole. If there is room for more shit, then you still have time. If it is coming very close to the edge, then call Macken.

It is worth the 5 minutes for you to open the hole for them. They charge extra for it.

I guess I’ll do that then :stuck_out_tongue:
I know where it is, I just don’t want to fall in :]

Then i’ll call macken/lakeshore when it’s time :]
thanks <3

Meyer septic has always been good to deal with as well. Def open the lid and check shit level first.

Bumping an old thread…

Has anyone had any recent good/bad septic company experiences? Called two places prices seem to be ~$250 with me removing the dirt.
Any suggestions?