Septic tanks

Does anyone know anything about Septic tanks or know how to fix them when they back up into the basement?


we don’t need to know how to fix it, we need to know where it is so we can have it cleaned.

i know there full of shit thats all

All I know is that its not cheap. We had to have ours dug up last year and it was about 2k to get things unclogged.

you have a PM

shitters full(cousin eddie vacation)

would not be full, if don did not take those huge dumps from the wings:kekegay:

:angel: double flushers

You need to find out if there’s an old mine under it and start drilling. :smiley:

it poop again!

stop tossing tampons down the shitter.

she don’t do that,n our house is old, like maybe 100 yrs old. septic has never been touched. no ones knows where it’s at or even if there is one.

Anyone have a bulldozer we could borrow?

use ur ass


Mine was built in 1891 :booty:

the old woman across the street says when she moved in across the street in the 1920, the house was already here and someone used to sell moon shine out of it.

my house was built in 1904

My parents have a septic tank at their house. Not too long after we moved in there, it backed up into the basement like that. We had to have it pumped out (there is a place in Smithton called Affordable Sanitation that is cheap). Eventually, we had to dig a new leach bed (which is where the tank drains into the ground), which required the use of dirt and gravel. if it has never been pumped out before, that is the first thing you should think about doing though.

If you call a sanitary company they will be able to find the tank by running a camera from the basement into the tank then measure the distance off of the house above ground. Then you’ll be able to uncover the top of the tank and get it pumped. I would get some septic tank risers and lid from a tank company (We have them at the company I work at) that way if you have to dig it up again it’s only a foot or two…not 6’ or more.

If that doesn’t solve the problem it’s possible that the line broke due to roots or excessive above ground weight. That would show up in a camera inspection.