recommend me an aftermarket navigation unit

Hi :slight_smile:

Did a search, didn’t come up with this topic anywhere. My apologies if it’s already been covered and I didn’t catch it. I’m looking at the Intellinav 3, Magellan units… budget is about $300 max. Help me, educate me…

And thank you in advance.

  • Joel

Tom Tom or Garmin Nuvi ftw… I hate the Magellan Units ones i had seen and used are kinda klunky and annoying.

getagetagetageta Garmin.
No complaints about mine, but then again I already sold you on a radar detector back in the day by accident :lol:

my g/f just got a tom tom one for super cheap, around 120 dollars. Works well, no frills really, but it fits in a nice tight, inconspicuous spot and gives accurate directions.

ease of use - tomtom
looks - garmin nuvi
features - debatable on either side. they both have things that are nice. just make sure you get text to speech. (says outloud what street to turn on before you to it instead of saying left or right in XX yards)
accuracy - same

so really, you can’t go wrong if you buy a Garmin or TomTom. other brands have some issues that i’ve heard of, especially with accuracy.

paid 150 for my tomtom and it does everything i want it to

TomTom - had one in a rental a year or so ago. Easy & to the point.

Garmin Nuvi 600 or 700 series gets great reviews all around

thanks for all the input, guys

sounds like the Garmin’s gonna be it :tup:
