Recommended web site development software

Not entirely an auto based topic, but I know a number of you have commercial websites etc, so I was just wondering what software some of you have used to develop your pages. I’m currently using the Yahoo based site builder but I want something with less limitations. That software seems to streamline your site.

Any input would be appreciated.


EditPlus for all web coding.

Then again I know HTML pretty well that I don’t need a visual editor to write the code.

Popular GUI based ones out there are Dreamweaver and FrontPage

Good luck


Find another way home Quizno boy, this thread ain’t your cup of tea.

Use Dreamweaver, but know the code to tweak shit.

I use dreamweaver but for actual code I usually resort to VIM or Notepadd++ (windows).

If you know basic HTML and wanna code purely that, TextPad is GREAT!

It highlights and organizes your code to get everything smooth and efficient.

Thanks for the input guys, I’m going to start with Front Page and see how it goes.


the bad thing about frontpage is it needs server support… you’re better off learning some html or use something that like dreamweaver or homesite that will graphically represent html

I tried most packages and I always ended up having to fix the code in an editor anyway, after working on a few customer sites I permanently switched to editpad

I first started using WYSIWYG editors only.

Then slowly moved onto HomeSite which I used for a number of years.

Eventually I got the hang of things and just did it all in EditPlus.

If you want fast results, use some GUI based designer (frontpage, dreamweaver) but don’t expect the best results.

Download notepad++ you can use it with any programming language. I use it all the time when doing my C programs because it organizes your text and formats for you highlighting variables scripts and much more.

How i learned to create my website is basically take the page source text file of a site layout u like and modify it from there… Using html allows you to throw in many scripts especially java which comes in handy. personally my way is a pain in the ass to learn but without a doubt it works well in the end