Red Bull Air Race

Anyone making the trip to Detroit/Windsor this weekend?

They have been setting up the Detroit river for the past couple days with floats and they just inflated the pylons this morning. A couple practice runs went through, but they shut it down due to rain.
Tomorrow is the practice runs and Sat/Sun is the race.
Kind of cool to watch it from my desk.

I will try to remember to bring the camera tomorrow.

I wont be at Detroit but I will be at the Budapest one :slight_smile:

I have been meaning to catch one of these for a while and it turns out im going to be in the right place at the right time.

would love to…but have family/funeral things to tend to this weekend. :frowning:

Ok stuiped question:
How do they trasport these planes over the ocean:
Boat? Cargo plane?
Fly them and refuel mid air? or land on carriers? (guessing their fuel tank is not that large)

Cool stuff today. Crazy amount of set up and production.

Only thing that sucks is the amount of time it takes to re set up after a plane clips the pylon.

I will try to get some pics.

I’ll be there, with the G/F and the Parents. Taking my dad for an early Father’s day. We’re staying on the Windsor side. We went last year, too…going out in Windsor at night is actually pretty cool…they had a nice club/bar area with the street closed down.

It was definitely a good time and quite the show!

FYI, most aircraft (I hesitiate to say all, but I’m pretty sure it is all) outside of the Military and NASA do not have the capability to mid-air refuel. I’ve read a couple of white papers in college about some plans to bring the capability to the civilian world (allowing greater useful loads at takeoff, and then refuel just after you’re off the ground), but that’s about it.

I dunno if anyone cares about that, but hey, I find it interesting…


I said it more as a joke. I figured that was not cost effective, but threw it out there as something I considered.
Hell lining up carriers across the ocean to refill probably wasn’t feasible as well.