GTG: Red Bull Air Race *Detroit 5/31-6/01*

There’s also one in San Diego and it’s too soon for me to make the necessary plans.

I’ve never been to one of these races, but making plans to go to the one in detroit.

anybody else want to meet up? I may rent a plane and fly there or take a big motorhome with several friends and do the whole tailgating thing. It’s only a 4hr Drive.

tickets aren’t available until April 15th
good video:

should be a great time at the shittiest city i’ve ever been to.

It really does look pretty cool. I wouldn’t mind being in attendance for that.

Definitely interested… we’ll see how my schedule lines up.

Very interested Josh. Ill hit you up soon we’ll talk about it, I forgot to call you back after I got your VM the other day. :hay:

interested in RVing it.


pretty sure i’m going.


Would definately be interested let me know the specifics.

looks so sick

wow very cool lol that copter is siq

looks like fun. i remember watching one of these on my back deck last year. coo fo sho

how come this is in the “WNY Meets and G2G’s” section then?


I would fucking love to go!.. Its soooo sick… this and fluhaggen (sp?) I wanna see

because it’s a G2G??

Zong and I are driving up there to watch it :slight_smile: Maybe more… great idea

I think a few of us are going from DITB…


josh… i’ll call you this weekend to get more detail

Ugh that’s sick, I’d love to go

didnt check the vid but i assume it’s the vid from Abu Dahbi…

i am interested in going and bringing the wife and boy.

keep this thread updated.

Right now i’m looking at the possibility of trailoring the boat there to watch everything from the water…if anybody else has a boat they might want to bring that’s another option.