GTG: Red Bull Air Race *Detroit 5/31-6/01*

too bad its not warmer… that would be a sweet idea… I don’t want to bring a wet suit though when I freak out cause the plane is coming right for me

Hmmm, most interesting.

don’t forget that’s the last weekend in may…the weekend after memorial day.

Lake Erie Water Temperature for Jun 1 2007 was 58° F

that was more of the concern lol

Yeah we go for a swim every memorial day in lake Erie (odd tradition). It’s not warm.

Although, a decade ago there was still left over ice floating around on a few of the weekends prior to Memorial Day. Now it’s not that bad.

How many I would be down. Where you staying at?

Im going to Indy 500 the weekend before and this.
Good times will be had.

ILL Be at the one in SAN Diego!!!

ive always wanted to go to one of these. my ex’s lil sister is one of the red bull girls and she said the one in cali was a good time. its a weekend so my schedule looks like it might work, does anyone know how much tickets are? keep me posted

you’re a douche

im going.

i think we should convince them to have one on lake erie. that would be pretty frickin schweet

That would be sick.

Im in for this. Keep us posted.

i am 80% going and taking the family since we have to see relatives in Sarnia…

def want to know who is going here so we can hook up at the event.

looks like you can buy tickets now… and more interestingly, since i know most of you will be coming through Canada… the race is over the Detroit river and is essentially right on the border which means you do not have to cross in the gungiest city in the USA… Detroit. Instead, you can hang out and save a toll charge but staying on the Canadian side in Windsor, the city with the highest unemployment rate in Canada… YAY!!!

i actually cant beleive this is happening right on the border… i cant imagine them getting the Okay to do this over the niagara river on the falls… though that would be an incredible venue… have a red gate below the falls… oh sick

josh…you reply to my PM now damnit !!!


haven’t booked tickets yet…trying to find out what kind of access we’ll have with a boat. No.1 option for me…is being out on the boat spectating.

Melissa and Ving and i are 100% going to this… going to show up late on saturday since we are stopping to see relatives on saturday afternoon…

i was planning on staying on the Canadian side because it’s easier, so if anyone else is going lets talk immediately… i havent bought tickets yet.