Red Bull and Vodka


Sorry but thats wrong… 90-95% of the alcohol breaks down into carbon dioxide and water. Thats why you get tired and or pass out from excessive drinking.

70% of the alcohol gets absorbed by the intestines, 20 by the stomach and the rest gets secreted out by sweat or piss.

The reactions are acetic acid and acetalhylyde are the chemicals that break down alcohol. Alcohol effects the central nervous system, not the digestive system.

Where did you read this stuff?? Id like to take a look. Conflicting info bothers me if its from textbooks… mines from a txt book called Drugs and the Law: Detection, Recognition, and Investigation.

Dehydration and Electrolyte Imbalance - Alcohol causes the body to increase urinary output (i.e., it is a diuretic). Alcohol promotes urine production by inhibiting the release of a hormone (i.e., antidiuretic hormone, or vasopressin) from the pituitary gland. In turn, reduced levels of antidiuretic hormone prevent the kidneys from reabsorbing (i.e., conserving) water and thereby increase urine production.

Alcohol inhibits ADH (antidiuretic hormone)

That’s just the first source I could find. We learned a decent bit about this in at least one of my bio classes here at RIT.

god damn I do know that something in the red bull is making my shit acidic and holy fuck i wish i had a bidet right now…cause it BURNNSSSS

I used to pound Red Bulls like 6 a night with a bottle of Jager and it never made me shake or anything like that. Weird…

I think its all in the person though because I never get a rush from it either when drank regularly.

grow a set and drink it with some Jager instead of vodka that shit tastes like candy with vodka

that would be the aftermath of shoot herion last night you drug addict

a good hangover remedy is to drag your drunk ass into a mcdonalds and order the two cheeseburger meal with an orange hic drink.

so when i’m clearly out to get drunk I’m going to drink it with jager, since that is 70 proof. where as Vodka, is 80 proof. I don’t know about you but clearly the taste doesn’t matter when I chug most of them anyway.

Your logic is flawless though I have no balls

If you’re out to get drunk, skip the redbull and buy an extra shot instead.

Depressant + depressant = bad.

Glad to hear that you came out of it OK.

Just because I always pop this into alcohol discussion because nobody knows it:

FYI: Alcohol + Acetominophen (Tylenol, Excedrine) = LIVER FAILURE.

Not as a result of too much, but as a drug interaction. A few beers + 2 tylenol can = death. It happens. Take ibuprofen instead.

yea i refuse to take anything for hang overs, i just drink water and lay in bed

+1 on the water for hangovers

and what vodka are u using with 80%
