redgoober4life PhD?

It was a shotgun application (I took the GRE march 14th), but I was formally offered acceptance to UB’s Chemical and Biological Engineering PhD program today.


with…ta-da…full financial assistance.

I actually tried very hard to find a job I would enjoy, but the economy limited my opportunities (I also said no to every red state…hate crime thing and all…). Then I started taking a battery design course with a great professor and noticed what I really wanted to do required more education.

I’m hoping to work with advanced power systems/battery design, but there are a few other professors I’d like to work with as well (nano particle, polymers).

It’s still a compromise…5 more years of schooling…

Congrats. Graduating right now certainly limits opportunities for people.

I’m pretty sure I see you in Bell all the time.

Woot congrats man.

Do it while you still have the will to

congrats. corey!!!

thats awesome

I think the Accord does, too.

Do it while they still have the money to give you!

I used to live in Bell! :meh:


Congrats Corey!

I will definitely try very hard not to join the workforce in the next 2 years

and congrats.

thats pretty sweet man…

zong escort service?

yeah its almost like its not work if you enjoy it

Why did I ever think this would be a good idea?

cuz of the prestige!!!

think of all the letters you’re going to have after your name?!?!?

Because it is free?

The gf just signed up for the GRE’s.

Not good. UB didn’t approve the developmental psychology and linguistics program so that means that she has to go away to school.

Congrats. Who are the professors you’d be wanting to work with? Dr. Chopra and/or Dr. Chung?

School >>>>>> Real World

Go for it! Congrats Doctor Goober!