So close... v. Graduation

I have one more final tomorrow at 11:45. I am in the library and all I can think about is being finished with school.

anyone graduating UB with the School of engineering and applied sciences next weekend?

not engineering, but I too have one more final tomorrow at 11:45 and then am done at UB. School of Management: Accounting and Finance.

I take it since you are on nyspeed that you are having trouble studying too? lol

I finished in december, but will walk may 10th. dont want to, ive been out of school for 5 months. but my parents want me to walk so whatever

if it were up to me, I wouldn’t walk. Since my parents footed the bill for 5 years though, they demanded I walk. Its the least I could do I suppose.

joo gonna stay in buffalo spacek?

I’m a free agent now son. And we all know that means I’m gone. Moving to NC, gonna give it a shot with some nice warm weather.

I finished in December as well and will be walking May 10th

Engineering at UB also! Who are you? lol I’m so glad to be done!

word, I finished my engineering M.S. in december… being out of school so long makes me not want to go back to walk. I walked once for my b.s. though so I’ve had my fill.


I am computer science. Tom Maniaci. Beach balls? I think it would be appropriate

Masters, thats hardcore. Congrats. Anyone wanna do some shotguns before the ceremony? :rofl:

AAHHHHHHHHHH, waiting for these grades to come in is killing me!

The feeling was awesome after graduating from UB. It pwned. grats dogg

hi ima collage grad

see you in NC twom

Thanks Adam.

definitely will Zong! I have an awesome lead on a job too.

Feels nice to be done with that semester. Year and a half till I graduate. Again.

about time. arent you older than me?

Congrats to you guys who are graduating.

I’m waiting to hear comments on part 1 of my master’s thesis. It’s stressful but I enjoy the research process.