Redline Motorsports/DeNooyer Performance Division WIN Mothers choice award at SEMA

I understand that your promoting your friends shop. I don’t personally know the guy and I haven’t seen any of his work so I can’t make an inteligent comment one way or the other about Coppola Motorsports. If I remember correctly your friend got flamed in a couple threads when you suggested people bring stuff to hime cause some members on here remembered the guy from way back when and didn’t really like him. Not trying to compare your friend to Howard and RLMS in any way shape or form. All I’m trying to say is I understand why from a business point of view Denooyer and Maverick would go with Howard and RLMS since they are a well known shop and have had a fairly decent amount of posative national press. It’s a much better selling point on high dollar stuff sold through a dealership to say that the speed work is done by a shop with a reputation rather than so and so from where ever that nobody outside our area has heard of. Again not saying your friend is small time or won’t being successful I hope he is. My only point is it’s not fair to jump down Mavericks throat for posting his success stories just cause you and I don’t like the guy he does business with. If at some point Howard burns the guy and he has to go elsewhere and your friend gets some of the business wouldn’t that be a direct benefit to him? Anyway thread hijack over.