Redline Motorsports/DeNooyer Performance Division WIN Mothers choice award at SEMA

I understand that your promoting your friends shop. I don’t personally know the guy and I haven’t seen any of his work so I can’t make an inteligent comment one way or the other about Coppola Motorsports. If I remember correctly your friend got flamed in a couple threads when you suggested people bring stuff to hime cause some members on here remembered the guy from way back when and didn’t really like him. Not trying to compare your friend to Howard and RLMS in any way shape or form. All I’m trying to say is I understand why from a business point of view Denooyer and Maverick would go with Howard and RLMS since they are a well known shop and have had a fairly decent amount of posative national press. It’s a much better selling point on high dollar stuff sold through a dealership to say that the speed work is done by a shop with a reputation rather than so and so from where ever that nobody outside our area has heard of. Again not saying your friend is small time or won’t being successful I hope he is. My only point is it’s not fair to jump down Mavericks throat for posting his success stories just cause you and I don’t like the guy he does business with. If at some point Howard burns the guy and he has to go elsewhere and your friend gets some of the business wouldn’t that be a direct benefit to him? Anyway thread hijack over.

the pnly flaming he got was from some disgruntled x empoyee , and that was for well bein a boss lol

My bad.


with everything said, I’ve met Howard and I’m not a fan myself, however I don’t see a problem with the business, to a certain degree. I haven’t read the Zr1 100 page thread either though.

I’m sure I wouldn’t like Steve Jobs either but Im not going to stop using my iPhone.

Just so the record is clear I do not work for Howard. I work for the DeNooyers and run the Performance Division. Redline and the Denooyer Performance Division have a partnership to build the model line. Howard builds them and I distribute then. The DeNooyer Performance Division is a stand alone company backed by the largest Chevrolet Dealer in the area. I was hired to build the Performance Division and in the last year I have been happy with the partnership and with Howard. Many of the people that members seem to have problems with are not even connected to the program but due to issues in the past it seems to be the focus of a lot of these discussions. (Most of the people including Tony and the others I have seen mentioned do not even work full time at Redline) I have ask respectfully to be judged by my own actions and the track record of the Performance Division. If any one knows of any issued we have had please feel free to speak up. We have been in business 1 year now and sold over 50 modified high dollar cars. (That number does not include our non modified cars that we also sell)I personally know we have had no issues. 88slowmarro I am not sure who is giving you information and we have met in person and I would hope you would say I am a straight up guy. But they do not make the decision of who I do business with. I do. I am the person that put this partnership together in the first place. It started when I ran Salisbury Chevrolet in Scotia many years ago. I created the DeNooyer Performance Division and started it on my laptop in a small corner office. It is now a stand alone facility with 7 full time employees. I am more than aware that some of you have issues with Redline. To be honest that is between you and him and I really do not need to be in the middle. I know Mr.Coppolla because he lives down the street from my parents but both Mr.Coppola and myself have been very clear that we have never discussed building cars together. It is as simple as that. As for Tonys ZR1 I have already explained what the problem was on that car. So whoever gave you other information does not know the details. It has been sold and it currently is running fine.
I came on this forum as a normal member and have been more than respectful to all of you. All I have ever asked is to be treated as I treat other people. I may not be perfect but I believe I have always been fair and rated people by my experience with them face to face rather than the word on the street. (If I listened to evertything people said about shift 518 I may not have joined) But I gave it a chance and still do. I think we all deserve that priveledge.
Sema was a big show and Redline and the model we exclusively distribute through the DeNooyer Performance Divisdion did place in the top ten in the mothers competiton with over 800 cars judged on a point system. So somebody seems to like it.
As for the Hot car award. The camaro was the car that was picked and we were part of the group that represented the model for Chevrolet. The Mothers award was won all on its own.
I can take some flaming. But I have an issue with rumors. If anyone wants to know what the story is concerning the partnership call me. But unless it comes from me I would not believe the hype. By next year a lot of these un true myths and rumors will be very easy to dispute. I will not release the details but the Partnership is going strong and we will be announcing it publicly in the coming months. I think it will shut down a lot of these rumors. I will give you a clue though the DeNooyer Performance Division and our partnership is not changing.
I have been hearing this Coppolla rumor for over a Year now. Copolla even came on the forum and set it straight. SO…why does it keep coming up? I personally had a hand in repairing Tony’s ZR1 and have more than explained the issue. So why does that keep coming up? That car was not even my car it was DeNooyer Chevrolet’s. I do work for the company but it was not even a car I was selling through the Performance Division.
Lets put it this way. I run a company. I do business with a company that some of you have issues with. How about you judge me on my own and give a new guy to the forum a break. I am not asking you to be cheerleaders I am just asking for you to judge me personally until I am not deserving of your respect.
I would hope that the time would come that I could post information concerning our Performance Division on the forum. If the members do not wish me to do so then I will just move on. I would hope that would not be the case.

For what it is worth.

pardon my spelling and punctuation ahead of time.

Dan Carlton
DeNooyer Performance

Most people on here won’t ever respect anything that comes out of Redline due to the way that the owner treats current/potential customers. We understand your connection with Redline, but again, coming on here and promoting Redline’s work is never going to end well. Howard made it that way…not us.

Turbo Travis
I guess it is what it is. I am not looking for the shift badge of approval. I am looking for people to treat me personally as I treat them. thats all. I do not make a point of chasing threads that other people post just because I do not care for them and character assasinate. That is me.I will not throw gasoline I have said my piece. It is that simple.

Understood, it just is what it is. You’re promoting vehicles built by a shop that most of us dislike and several have had shitty experiences with.

dan i will say your a standup person , if ya read all of my posts in this i never flamed u as a person or your company . in fact i said i applaud what you have done and so on , and that it is just howard and the redline crew or goons that we have a problem with .i wast flaming anybody on tonys zr1 question , it was just a question as i was wonderin . id love to talk to ya about a few rumors that repedtdly i hear and from all diff spectrums and from rather truthful and honest people . if ya would like p/m me your number again as im busy as hell with work and so on and this weekend im wit coppola so im sure we could have a nice meeting hell maybe even stop in and see your parents lol

What these guys are saying is they would love to have a beer with you, but redline won’t be one of the drunken enthusiastic discussions they would share.

I know, it confuses me too.

Travis, it’s alright, you’re in the aviation field and I got a bad peanut on a plane once by a stewardess so I don’t like you either as a result of association in the career field.

Boeing helps build planes that kill people in a war. I hate war, therefore I hate you.

Same shit.

You have well established that you don’t like the owner or the products by association but let the man be, he does his job, he’s proud of it and he comes to share.

The man joins the forum to share and the comment where the word on the street was not to join the forum because of behavior of the members doesn’t sit well with me as a long running issue of new members being bullied off the forum as a typical activity.

i guess my whole standing on the whole situation is that im glad a local dealer is doin what he does and so on . i just wish he could go a diff rt as far as a builder goes or do it in house as i have seen with my own eyes and so on , other shops are gettin more out the cars without changing motors and so on , i know the motor swap helps sell some of the cars but why spend the money unless the customer wants the motor done . put the saved money elsewhere in the car or suttin .

The issue is not about how much power we can get out of the cars. I have had cars built that are over 1000 HP. But lets be honest the idea is to have a daily driver that is streetable. (I would like you to find one shop that warranties the cars like we do)The warranty that we have is the only one of its type offered by modification companies. At SEMA this week I had conversations with some of the biggest players in the industry. All of them made a point to come over and comment on our business model. Everyone has ideas of what they would have done concerning builds and packages. But I will be frank if it was that easy every other Dealership in the country would be doing it. As you know they do not. Many dealers as we all know frown on modifications and give all of us car enthusiasts a hard time when we roll in the service drive. I applaude the DeNooyers for having the courage to invest and believe in this program. If it could be done in house everyone would be in the business. It takes more than just mechanical ability to launch such a project. You need contacts and you need so many other aspects it is not even funny. You need more than just a dyno and a laptop.
Most dealerships just do bolt ons. There is a huge market for engine conversions for people who want naturally aspirated engines without just blowers or turbos. I have been in the business over 24 years so I think I have the experience to comment on this issue from a dealership level.
Obviously there is a market. We have proven that. General Motors is on board. If they were not we would not be the Camaro tuner and distributor that GM will have on the front cover of the 2011 Chevrolet Performance Parts Catalog. They have also invited us to be at the PRI show in Florida in there booth.(The first time in history that has ever happened)
I wish all shops and dealerships success. This program has not been done since the days of Baldwin and Yenko in the 60’s. That should be a representation of the resistance most dealers and the factory have to such a program. We are lucky enough to have some great contacs that made this all come full circle.
Basically the market has two options. Modify a car to the extreme and take your chances, or pick our program. The great thing is we have options.
We have picked our target base and our business model.
I respect all peoples choices and all I would like is for people to respect mine.
Have a great Weekend everybody time to hit the road back to New York from SEMA.

Dan Carlton
DeNooyer Performance

Though I dislike someone that represents Redline on the forum and for giving them a bad name amongst a LOT of people, I do applaud your efforts Dan. I think what is being done is great and it’s cool for the people that have the option of purchasing one of your cars.

I do have a couple questions about the cars:

The warranty is through Denooyer, not GM. Does GM still cover anything on the not related to the powertrain? Would they still cover anything the RLMS hasn’t touched on the car? What type of warranty is it that you offer?

The good thing about selling these cars with your warranty, from a business standpoint, is you’ll always have that customer coming to you for the service aspect. As long as you are good to them through the warranty period, I’m sure they’d continue to go to you after it expires or for another car.

We warranty the Engine and full driveline. Some of the over the top cars we build have a fewer year warranty but they all have coverage.We have a special account to pay any warranty repair. So far we have not had any issues.
I personally have special forms that GM has prepared for me that clients fill out concerning all other parts.
Just leaving for my 3 day haul back to NY. Will be on the road with no internet access so have a great Weekend.

I understand your point man. But it’s same reason that I try to keep as much as the build on the s4 as local as possible. I could of brought my car to Solo customs in Ohio, or Aclass in Orlando and gotten an amazing deal on the same work that was done. I rather keep my spending local.

Yea but your s4 sucks donkey dick and has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Dan has set up a successful business and I tip my hat to him for doing so. Unfortunately some of the others that are involved in this enterprise are not as professional as Dan is and therefore gives them a bad name for the local’s and apparently quite a few others.

if a car could suck dick lets face it you be the first in line to buy one. :haha

hey, if i could buy a car that would blow me, i would be all for it. ya spend enough money on them, you might as well get atleast a BJ from your car


Sorry your shitty car is stuck in the 90’s with your super sweet hood and wheels and body kit but no unlike your self I am a heterosexual male who enjoys the company of a woman not a 12 year old boy like you