Redline Motorsports/DeNooyer Performance Division WIN Mothers choice award at SEMA

I have been responding via cell. I did not know that I was being graded. I was answering the questions and acknowledging the person who had asked. I am new to forums so cut me some slack. Punctuation and spelling suffers when you have to type on a little button phone.

maverick , deal with it man lolol , your in new mexico and its warm . were cold here now lol my spelling and punctuation sucks on any comp lol

John can’t spell his way out of a paper box. It’s ok John I still <3 you

well guys i had a nice and long convo with dan this afternoon . needless to say lets get off his back about the whole flatline deal . let him be , all our problems are with howard not dan

this is what he was trying to tell you sense page 1

i understood that , and most on here know that what i type and what i meen are diff things as it comes out wrong when i type it . i never had anything bad to say about dan or i would of said it . he just wants us to seperate redline from him as its his cars redline just builds em for him and his customers

if thats the case and u got the nuts to go see dan,u got a issue with howard go see him i mean shit computer shit talkin is the weakest most pu$$y thing ive ever seen…ill guarentee u all 100 percent u walk up to howard shake his hand and say listen man lets settle the bullshit and get past this like the MEN u all say u are…the only reason u couldnt do it is if ur a butthurt hater who really has nothing against howard except jealousy and the lack of knowledge to build n tune ur own shit…

just like i have to tell all the little pu$$y fags who walk into the bar everyweek who think there someone cool…if i gotta talk to u more then once u get the child talk…hey buddy how old are u? 21…21 u should be a adult right and in a adult bar right? lets act like it then…im not gonan be ur baby sitter

lets be adults here give credit where its due and if u dont wanna hash ur shit out with who u have a problem with then bottle it up and just shut the fu@k up about it instead of saying the same god damn thing time after time everytime redline is mentioned…be adults or zip it…pretty simple to me…especially seeing im sure every person on this site has screwed up in there life…those who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones kids

slowmarro this post wasnt to u…its just a general post to all the people who hate

I wont talk to Howard because the last three times I have he lied right to my face so I no longer feel the need to do any type of business with him

Good points Greg.

i actually tried to squash sjit with howard when my 94 was ready for a full tune . and before i really started bashin howard . i got a no i wont tune suttin that old it aint worth my time . thats when i had enough

well its pretty well known howard does lsx stuff…not lt stuff…u cant hate on someone for not wanting to tune a older version of what he builds…thats like someone bringing in a 1981 kz to joes and asking for a dyno tune…its a pain in the ass to do especially when its totally different from the fuel injected stuff ur use to now…when u have a business u can pick n choose what u wanna work on…its not like howard said fu@k u ur car sux and im not working on it…he just simply doesnt wanna work on shit outside the lsx stuff that he knows so well…u dont see him on magazines and winning awards for lt1 motors…he stick to what he knows best…

so i dont really see a issue with howard for him simply turning away work that u could bring to another local business and help generate business for them

seein as he tuned my 93 camaro a few yrs before that , seein as he was a damn good lt1 guy i didnt see a problem with it . he didnt need to build it at all just get it runnin right . now with coppola he is willing to tune it all if he has the means to .ask adam hennesy about the ultima gtr he did that , between coppola and i we are buildin ohnopopo,s lt1 blown car and so on . oh and for the record joe will still dial in a kz1000 as long as its legit lol

Best post in the thread.

oh and… people in glass houses, sink ships!!!

Worst post. I’m only phone in Fl right now but I’ll respond later. But I’m a pussy so it doesn’t matter.

is Howard black?

No he’s not fucking African American

i been had 100s. shapow.

:rofl :rofl

Bottom line: A real tuner can tune ANY platform with the right software. A half-assed-canned-tune-programming-replacement-for-a-Hypertech t00ner can only tune what he can find in the HP Tuner’s Tune Repository. I’ll tune anything, I don’t give a fuck. The same basic principles exist in all combustion engines (save for VVT, etc).