Redline Motorsports? good or bad


Dident read everything in this thread yet…


Sounds to me like Nismo here was pleased with the work at the time, and was cool with synapse. Went to some other shop somewhere and told them about how Paul @ Synapse may have had some issue etc when talking with them about it, said new shop wanting to sound awesome and wise said what paul did was dumb so nismo decides he had a bad experience and says they dont know wtf they are doing…

Have heard of dumb shit like this from other people and have experianced it myself. Amazes me what other “mechanics” will say to make themselves sound better then the other guy, saying how certain things are “not” right etc… When that may not be the case at all, and they know damn well they would have had to maybe use some of the same techniques


I do not need to prove anything to you. I am way to old for that. Just like ripleys. believe it or not. :slight_smile: I was interested in redline for suspension questions. I have found another source as posted. But my house is located in Saratoga so good guess.


Same sir!!


Why is it that every thread you feel the need to come in and summarize all of the points made in said thread, in the form of a short novel?

god damn

Its missing the part where he offers advice or criticism on a subject he clearly has no experience in hahah

“He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know.” - Abraham Lincoln

Why do you feel the need to bust my balls about a couple sentences explaining what I TOOK NISMOS statements as, followed by another 3 sentences about I have personally seen and have had something similar happen to me, where 1 shop does something, you mention it to another shop, even if it was not in any sort of haste, other said shop says wahtever the first one did was wrong even if thats not really the case but only to manke themselves “look” better.

Maybe I skipped over it but I saw no one mention that it may ahve been the other shop that told nismo what synapse did was wrong which in turn made him all the sudden think the service he got there was bad…

I tipped because he did a great job on the exhaust. The header install on my car isn’t the easiest thing to do given the clearances. My only wish in hide sight is, I wished they would have asked me if I wanted the headers wrapped. :frowning: Cause I didn’t even think about it at the time. My error.

I have been tempted to have them removed and wrapped but I know the next step for me is to just boost the car and sell the headers. So I keep talking myself out of doing that.

I wish shops would test drive cars after installs. I had a heat shield vibration above the mufflers that I had to resolve but no biggie. I also had issues with a Diff brace install making loud clunk noises. The product clearances were off and it was returned for a refund.

I just wasn’t happy with the pulley situation. Also, I haven’t come across a shop talking badly about another shops work! Most will just bring issues of “said work” done by another shop to my attention so they can be corrected. Which is what I pay them to do. If there is something wrong with my car, I want to know about it and I wanted it corrected A-sap.

I am having ASS correct a poor camber/tow kit install next week. Another local shop install gone wrong. Sh*t happens I guess.

Bro you should have gone to the shop bro. They would have test driven the shit out of your car bro.

this was like over 2 years ago.

YES, finally someone else has noticed this.

I hate when I view things in hide sight

Because you do it in almost every post you make :rofl

:rofl @ this entire thread.

WTF did I do to you guys? I seriously feel like you both love to get on my nuts about dumb shit. Maybe I’m just taking it to personally :lol I always thought i got along with all of you quite well?

I know right. I’d rather view them in hind sight.

We get along fine, I’m just busting on the fact that you just like writing completely unnecessary novels.

I hypothesize that any post you make could be shortened to one sentence under 20 words.

you are taking it too personally

where is personally

in a far land beyond thee yonder, basically somewhere near shadys nuts