
redline back in NY. I’m surprised

who was the one who photoshopped the pic of howard holding a giant penis lol… I wanna see them sticking up for Howard now lol…

John lol

That was me lol

And mike bashed them all the time but he’s gone…

I can say after seeing in person what howard has going on in fla its a huge step from here… The biggest thing is people down there spend money and dont do the hey im 1000 bucks short so lets cut a corner here n there… He tells people the best way to do it and 95 percent do… People in fla can justify spending it too when u can drive ur car all yr…

Howard at the rental last week went car to car helping people with tuning and all … He never even really go to enjoy his time there…howard is still the same guy just now people see yeah maybe alittle cocky but he knows his shit gets it done and when u get past that hard outter shell the guy really is a great guy n will help anyway he can…

I think redline ny is going to do great

I heard he smoked crack with Batman while Robin blew him. Might just be a rumor but these days you never know.

Theres the dick bag of the century…

fuck you cocksucker

Jellies let it be man really .

Paul ur the biggest dick bag on shift… Ur so lonely with no girl n nothing in life except your truck that shift518 is your life… Look in mirror douche n change your pathetic life

This is a big opportunity for some up here and Howard as well as I talked a lot

this is toats to cray cray

Heres the reason people have had issues with Redline…

Hes a big shot and doesnt want to deal with punks who dont want to pony up the big bucks… He has clients who drop 10-20k within the blink of an eye so when he sees dudes driving hondas or complaining about the price on tuning an 80’s foxbody he a cocky sum bitch and doesnt care about you…

thats my opinion on the dude, back then when everyone hated him, and now, when everyone is suckin his dick all of a sudden.

Not so much sucking his dick , ill admit I had my issues and Lso got caught up into the b.s it happens . We sort of bad our worst confrontation at lia car show but also got the b.s off our chest . Lfb your correct on your assumption of him not caring about the older car etc , but that was also his issue with a lot of people . Made a lot of us feel less than cause we couldn’t afford 80k cars etc . Now that I had a chance to look back and actually think about it I understand it . I hate it when at Coppolas some dude brings in a third gen Camaro and its oil soaked etc I don’t wanna work on it either lol . Howard was just I. A spot where could pick and choose his work and I at this time can’t . Every shop has there issues “but my own @bonesqueeze” lol so yeah ill admit it I fell into it and I’m big enough to admit it and leave it behind me . Like I said I have been talking to Howard since he has been down there and ESP this past weakend . Lets see what happens and who knows may e a few more surprises will show up .

He’s the one running his dick kisser and had to start shit

I don’t need another person to make my life complete. I’ve got a good job and I’m on paid vacation now.
This site is just a time killer and I have fun fucking with fucktards such as yourself

wasnt just targeting you buddy, but yeah thats cool… The dude has built his business to the point where he doesnt need to work on little turds like you said, soaked in oil… Alot of tuners/business’ havent.

I’ll admit, im def likely too cheap to use his services.

Hating a guy cause he picks n chooses what he works on is rediculous… If thats the case n people hate him cause he didnt work on or tune there fuckin 89 honda hatch back then fuck hate on…when u got guys bring you 110k dollar zr1s n say build it why the hell waste time on crap? 20 dollar fixes on a 16 yr olds honda isnt making money

And paul if ur job is so good why u still living home dick bag

I agree Gregg , if I had a shop and could say no to that 20 yr shitbox I would lol