A guy with a shitbox willing to spend money is still a worthwhile customer even if you think its a worthless car. A guy with money is often more of a jew with it than a guy with less money.

And Ive been paying off all my bills and saving for a house, not that I really need to explain it.

Nope a guy with a shitbox is not a worth while customer for someone who does real builds

This must be why ur single and home with mommy… U got no sense of reality… Dick bag

Money is money, what part of that can’t you understand? Why is one person’s money better than another’s?

Turning away paying customers doesn’t make sense.

It makes sense when your base is high end builds. If your bread and butter is $5k, $10k, and so-on jobs, losing a $500 bullshit job from someone who isn’t likely to come back with anything but another issue that they may or may not try to pin on your shop in the future is a no-brainer… I say good for him for what he has been able to do and best of luck in his future endeavors

Paul old cars don’t pay ! Lets use your car for instance , I did clutch and the. The neutral safety switch took a shit and didn’t start . Well the time I took into looking into that prevents them from starting a 20k build ! Old cars take more time to work on than new cause of rust etc do I need to keep going ?

But I paid you, didn’t I?

Most shops charge by the hour regardless of what they’re doing. I took my truck to a shop for work and they didn’t turn it away because it wasn’t a Ferrari.


No, but if you went to a shop that actually specializes in Ferraris with a F150 I can pretty much guarantee they will tell you to go somewhere else.

Lol this fuckin dude is a moron… Paul is it really that hard for u to see reality?

Jesus h christ hes like talking to a wall

Jellies lol if I could I would only work on new shit and not old stuff is what I’m saying . Not saying u didn’t pay me dude lol

I wouldnt expect howard or tony to help me if i was gonna do ford or ls motor build as its an 89 and their shops loaded up with cars they can make wayy more money on…Totally understandable

^ this guy gets it… And is also more likely to be the type of guy that a shop like this would actually help out :rofl

It’s not a matter of money is money… It’s a matter of profit margin.

Like someone posted dudes walk into Howard with a brand new car and drop 30g easily. Why would he want to put a cam and headers in someone’s basket case 89 5.0 and tune it? Or tune some pos civic.

You don’t order a Big Mac at Wendy’s do you?

More like you don’t order a dollar cheeseburger at Ruth’s Chris…

Actually Nthony would help ya Mikey and u know that ! That’s one thing I will say about Anthony is that he will help anyone if he can

I wouldnt take a 96 Civic to GMG for performance work. Its just not worth it to some people. We turn people away often because either their budget doesnt match what they want done or the car isnt safe enough to have our name attached to it.

i know anthony would help me but when he has stuff goin on i wouldnt expect him to stop his projects unless i dropped it off for him to build follow me

I can say this thread is one of the first ive seen everyone agree on the same exact statements… Its nice its making me think shift could turn into a normal site

Minus paul dick bag

also FYI, i heard this was a rumor / joke to see what kind of rise could be gotten…

i bet they might do some tuning every once n a while up here, but id be surprised if it was much more than that…

this is one of the worst posts of all time. ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER!!! DO YOU SPEAK IT?