that was to be taken as me flexing my internet muscles haha. i dont know this dude but hes saying im going to rage out so…cool lets rage! ROAR!

All I can say is if Howard does come back, I hope one of my good friends gets the chance working for a Performance shop full time and can actually be happy at the end of the day. I like Coppolla, but he’s really doing himself an injustice by not opening up a facility. Guess we will see what the future holds.

This is what I used to hear all the time too. I grew up down the road from the old shop (which looks like its just a storage facility for work trucks now) and there were some awesome cars that went in and out of there. My grandmother actually works with his mom and apparently he has people overseas flying him over and shit now…if its true or not who knows but he seems to be doing better down in florida then he was up here.

Lurked when this thread was originally posted… driving down thruway from 25A-24 friday… got passed by a black c5 vette with a shadow redline motorsports sticker along the bottom of the door. Guy is just cruising along and gives it a nice fat boot while im behind him… vette sounded awesome but puked out white smoke… got to toll booths and car was pulled over. made me LOL hard and think of this thread.