registering car and plate in another state

has anyone done it?

I only drive my car back and forth to work so Im hardly in it. and police seem to like to pull me over and give me tint tickets whenever I have mine tinted legally…

I only have the back 3 windows tinted, and in the vehicle code book it states that:

No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sun screening device or other material which does not permit a person to see or view the inside of the vehicle through the windshield, side wing or side window of the vehicle.

tint is not on the windshield, side window, and I dont have a side wing window…

so, anyone ever register their car and plate in another state?. I have family in a NC residence that I can register it at…

My brother argued that to a cop before about the rear being able to be tinted. I believe the cop said something like… any car 1998 or 1999 and older can have the rear windows tinted, anything newer cannot have any glazing on any window period. Unless it comes like that from the factory.

Im not 100% on this, but if I remember right, it was something like that.

Does NC have state inspection? If so then you will need to drive there once a year to get it inspected, etc… which would blow.

Also, im not sure, but wouldn’t you need to get a NC license also?

yes just found that out, hmmm how bout Ohio? :slight_smile:

Im assuming it would be the same. I don’t see how you can register a car in a state without a drivers license in that state… but like I said… im just assuming… I don’t know how true any of that is.

you promised!

^^^ :rofl:

what are you gonna do, when the cops ask why you haven’t changed your address to pa yet. they know you and your car.
you gonna say your goin to school their and come back on the weekends?
might believe it the first time. NC to PA isn’t a quick drive like OH/WV

I see an EPIC FAIL coming.

My car is registered and plated here in South Carolina and I still have not gotten my SC license. Ive been here a year and a half. They dont have inspection here either :slight_smile:

Jeff id pull you over too!!


register it somewhere else… no problem. they wont really really fuck with you unless they know your car already. (which seems to be the deal) and you dont have to get your car inspected in NC if you have it registered there and drive it here… but if for some reason you take it down there for vacation you have a very good chanec to get a ticket for out of inspection stickers. my buddy kept his PA plates and had a s.carolina liscense for about 3 years. (the opposite of what you are doing ) and never had a problem with anything. (remember PA cops can care less about n.carolina inspections. )

do it and whats the worse they can do. ticket you seems like you got that undercontrol

ya my girlfriend just said that her pap’s car was registered and plated down NC for over 10 years and he didnt have a NC state licence.

Do they need the DL for registration, or the title transfer? I’ve always done them at the same time, so I never paid attention. I know I don’t need a DL to renew my registration.

Now if you get pulled over and they don’t match, you may get caught in the middle of something and end up with a fine.

just peel the tint, its not worth the hassle and technically isnt legal. i had my car switched to VA and a license within 90 days even though i had to get a front license plate.

would you stupid motherfuckers quit posting about tint. It’s illegal, fucking deal with it. And no, it doesn’t make you car look any better and don’t give that BS that the sun is hard on your eyes either.



look up the code, its not iilegal the way I have it…
and this thread isnt about tint, its about how to register a car in another state

tints not worth it

It looks like it is and you even agreed that it is

It seems to be about registering the car somewhere else so you don’t have to worry about tint, which then makes this thread about tint :slight_smile:

could you please retype that post in english so we can understand it?


but yea, tint is dumb and useless.

Do I think there should be a law against it, no, but I would not have it on any of my cars.