Registration for 2008 Bings / SON240SX Niagara Meet AWARDS

Registration is now open to the entire SON240SX community.

we are limiting the total participants.

if you are brining a rat-box do not sign up…

this is for the awards portion that will be voted on as per the scoresheet below.

registration does entitle you to a main lot parking spot, but if your car sucks i will be refunding your money and asking you to take it to a neighbouring lot… dont make me do that, it’s a hectic day as is so you wont get much of an explanation.



*IF you are registering with a JDM RHD 180SX or Silvia, please indicate whether it’s a Silvia or a 180SX in the Comments section.

*IF you have a non S chasiss, you can now enter too. There are no plaques but we’ll figure out the prizes. Plus you get a prime spot up front. Just make sure to include the Make/Model in the comments section.

*Also please note that your registration will not be processed until we have confirmed payment by paypal.

If you don’t have PayPal, the setup also accepts credit/debit. If you want to pay CASH ($5 even), contact us to make arrangements.

Here is the criteria we will be using when judging cars. If there’s something you think we blatantly missed, let us know! -spd

there is a $5.25 fee, and you have to have paypal to do it…

bing can i pay u the next time ur at SG?

we’re still discussing alternate payment options

cash/emt might be accepted if we can come up with a decent way to keep track of everything

well it’s Thursday, where do I sign up?

we’re waiting for some changes to be made to the form… might be today still.

so basically the car has to look decent right? :frowning:

what if i have some crazy technology that no one has?

dog box?

lol that won’t be in… still have to take it out and fix it… lol
More like a 240sx that may pass emissions with no cat, has more power because of it. Oh and improves full economy

hope the thought is intriguing enough :slight_smile:

Basically you make ur car environmentally friendly with some added bonus!

this is awards, not a car show, you will be voted on by your peers.

that said, if you have a rat box with 17 x 7’s and ill-fitting aero… dont bother.

the registration link should be up later this evening after dinner,

so if i have a clean coupe (besides patched frame) with a custom blue pearl paint i could enter?im sorta knowen on here but my car again is NOT a show car just clean?

obviously we don’t expect concours-quality cars or trailer queens

this isn’t gonna be some super exclusive car show deal

its just a fun addition to the meet… it shouldn’t be taken TOO seriously

at the same time, like bing said, if your car is a p.o.s., don’t bother

we’d hate to have to turn away your rotting crapbox

there will be four main categories:

S13 240SX hatch
S13 240SX coupe
S14 240SX (all)
Silvia/180SX (all) (true right hand drive JDM cars… your Silvia-front 240 doesn’t count)

and then we will likely do a few other awards like

People’s Choice Award, where all attendants will get a chance to vote for their favorite entered car

Dirtiest Wheel/Tire Fitment, which may be judged by one of the judges or maybe it will also be by popular vote

Longest Distance Driven or something similar to that

Best Wannabe JDM?

maybe some others, we will see

Damn i new i should have got those 22’s
forget best jdm ride… best ghetto cruiser!

don’t worry i won’t be entering my rat box.

Serious note:
are u still considering adding other types of awards?
any idea on what the awards will look like or are they based on how many participants (funds)

i will either be in my coupe or my new car

Best Wannabee JDM is open to all cars, right? :wink:

Tony, the competition is for CARS not PEOPLE.

“Rustless Canadian 240” Award would be bomb!

EDIT: s13

there was a delay with the registration page, we have to have some fields added before we go live.

hopefully it will be today

stop slacking bing!!! lol

weaves92240 will beat you in the cleanest 240 s13 award im sorry and it has a sr …doesn`t run tho lol