Regular Maitnence

I made thisthread just to get a hold on all the maitnence that is to be done regularly. i know thenormal ones like oil and filter but ones that we forget or the ones that are less common. i for one and very picky about always doing the proper maitnence and on time.

Heres what i got. add to the list if i forget or you have any imput. thanks
Also. list for which engine type. as i know some have or dont have plug wires or coils etc.
Im listing off the top of my head for my CA18DET

Oil Filter
Air filter(Change or Clean)
fuel filter
spark plugs(Cap,rotor,plugs,wires)
tranny flush
Rear Diff flush
coolant lines
brakes(Pads, rotors)

Not to be stupid but do we on CA have a PCV valve.



-tire rotation
-pressure check
-u joints
-bearing and suspension check

oooo and light check cuz cops dont like nice cars with lights that dont work

Turbo check… yup still too small…

x2 :axe: h

x2 :axe: h[/quote]


Mine is to big

x2 :axe: h[/quote]


Mine is to big[/quote]

loll x2