IMHO religion in general is for people looking for explanations of the unknown, which is human nature, but I don’t believe any religion has it “RIGHT”.
Nicolas Cage has a very believable hillbilly accent. He also managed to pass for John Travolta when they swapped faces despite being outweighed by him by a good 80 lbs.
its easy when he picks idiots to interview and people with no credible education. Most of his arguments were elementary at best and are easily refuted. Any theoligan and for most arguments, anyone with any common sense wouldve been able to refute most of what he was trying to prove. Although he is funny and and it was sort of entertaining.
I really see no difference between someone trying to jam religion down your throat to some body trying to prove its fake. Either way you are you are in imposing your beliefs. It was a good movie going for extreme cases in any different religions. But had many funny moments I liked the guy outside the vatican and the guy that set his hair on fire.
as an actual documentary i give it a D. Most of it was his own personal opinion and i dont think he cited anything once. So it really wasnt a documentary at all.
I’ve always found that anyone, on either side of the argument, who has an opinion about someone else’s beliefs isn’t worth listening to. I don’t need someone else to tell me why what they think I believe is wrong.
The only reasonable argument against modern religion I’ve ever heard/read was made by Eckhert Toll in his book “A New Earth.” The funny part is he wasn’t arguing against it, just pointing out that over the hundreds/thousands of years since they were here we’ve managed to completely misunderstand and misinterperet what Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha were trying to teach us.
of course weve forgotten, the christian faith has been completed distoreted and altered, mainly by the roman catholic church and the jesuits. Seeing through the smoke and mirrors is what needs to be done and its a lot harder than you would think. A new earth is a evry good book and Eckhert Toll represents atheists originally intentions, and that is to find a possible meaning for life, or creation of the universe from something other than the theistic view. Their objective was never to debunk christianity all together. A famous doctor (PhD in philosophy) named Anthony Flew, who used to be an atheist, and also used to debate theists, is now a PhD in theology and debates aginst atheists. He said that one of the reasons he stopped being an atheist is because he was “disgusted” with new age atheists. He said that all they care about today is religion bashing and trying disprove god completely and it does not represent “atheists of yor”. He wrote a book called “There is a God”, its pretty good.