Remember the Expensive Cables Thread?? šŸ¤£

mmm I like to tie myself up with monster cable and suffocate myselfā€¦

god that gets me off

I dunno, do you consider 4 yrs experience in SQ competitions & 2 yrs in SPL competition equivalent to experience?

I said equipment, not experience. and car audio is a different worldā€¦ Iā€™d love to have you critique my car audio and help me improve it. Iā€™ve put years into perfecting my system and Iā€™m still never happy.

If you listen to a 128kb mb3 vs. lossless and hear a difference then youā€™re good enough to tell cable apart.

Yea, car audio is more challenging.

And, no way. Iā€™m annoyed enough by reading your posts, let alone working with you. :slight_smile:

fuckin ricer

agreed, because the room youā€™re working in is guaranteed to suck as well as the speaker cabinetsā€¦ at the same time subtle differences are almost impossible to hear with an engine running.

awwā€¦ you hurt my feelings.

^ The meter(s) & scopes donā€™t lie.


I was 16, whatdoyou want?

I gave up car audio about the same time I gave up FWD. :tspry:

So has anyone ever hooked up one of these multi-thousand dollar speaker cables to a DC function generator and an oscilloscope? Toss a bunch of random shit at it and make sure you get the same thing out the other end. Itā€™s not like something like a cable is hard to test. :gotme:

EDIT: Durr window lick Skip the function generator. Just play music through it with a scope at the end. Then swap cables.

makes a difference in recording.
Try a cheap 7$ guitar center mic cord.
Record the same vocals with a good mic cord, youā€™ll see the difference.


But consider that people have shown scientific proof to debunk loosechange.conspiracy too.

Sure thereā€™s a difference between a crappy cable and a good cable. Thereā€™s just no difference between a good cable and a $1000 dollar 3 foot cable. And a coat hanger apparently.

awesomeā€¦ haha

Sure there isā€¦ The coat hangar is far more useful. Holds up an exhaust, make a cock ring out of it, an egg dipper for easter, and abort a child.

The cable all you can do is listen to crappy techno and tie the cord around your neck to increase the strength of your orgasms

:lol: :word:

the inductance and loss figures will only make a documentable (word?) difference in gross lengths. Pretty much unrealistic lengths.

If youā€™re running 3ā€™ or 25ā€™ or w/e, they show no scientific differences.

But then again Monster is thriving, and this has been discussed 100s of times or more, so, Iā€™m done here.

true, that if youā€™re talking about distance it takes a good bit for loss

but there is also some character variance by cable that can show up. pure copper vs. pure silver will make a metal tweeter sound sharp and piercing vs. smooth and mellow. (not to say those are the only tradeoffs).

So lets say you went copper and now the tweeters are nice and mellow, you might find that the image loses some of itā€™s edge and 3 dimensionality. You might want to try something else. You can fix these kind of issues by trying different cable which is a lot cheaper then buying a better room for your equipment or upgrading speakers etcā€¦

itā€™s very easy to be ignorant and just not get it until youā€™ve listened to a variety of stuff that was properly setupā€¦ then itā€™s very hard to deny there is value in making a setup sound better.

So. If I tied these cables up to a battery 2 miles away which will give my nipples a better jolt?

depends, is the treadmill on fwd or rev?