Remember the Orange 180???

How many people have BOv’s on there sr20’s?
Cause apparently its stupid lol

BRB…gotta go take my BOV off before my sr20det blows…

this thread;

this is all lolz now haha

Who ever said a bov will blow ur engine rofl?

He’s bang on correct. All I was saying is the compression surge isnt a huge deal like some people think. =)

ECU will get good readings if you keep your MAF clean and all connections soldered strong.

dozedrift is right about the compressor surge, as much as must of you would love for him to be wrong so you can bash him to death lol

Without one, all it’s really doing is shortening the life of the turbo, helps keep you spooled between shifts, and has no air release.

I’m a ricer tho so I like my blow off valve to be loud.

back on topic

you are a crazy drifter?
you have 380whp sr?
you have skills?

show proof

you sound like your 17

^^ damn, went right ahread and called him out on it.

no… but seriously… wheres the proof

Who cares most people sound like they are 17 here, its not a very mature thread. Have you even drifted outside of ontario? My car is ready for next years drift events ill go to shannonville then I guess we will see if I have any skill or not, only one way to find out. I know I have never seen you at raceway park So I am guessing you probly only go to shannonville.

was your name jugz on here ??? didnt think so

your such a liar !!! LOL

thats me is the passenger seat in that GTR

2006 drift ops fabi day

your a god damm idiot

same car different pic


That is my old gtr…I took it to mosport like 20 times in 2009. I am the one driving the 240sx. That jugs guy is a fag and cant drive for shit.

I sent the wrong pic no need to be a douch, why would I send a pic of the gtr gripping to talk about drift? You may call that drifting but I dont lol…

those pics are from 2006

not 2009

your a idiot… that keeps lieing and talking shit

stop posting pics of other people’s cars… its pretty pathetic

Your the idiot that was my car and I said I sent the wrong pics learn to read…