your going to find power in the drivers kick, it wil be red. locks will be there too blue and white i believe. also in the kick is park lights and brake. brown for park lights and ehite or blue for brakes. im pretty sure its white. youll have to take the column apart to get to the wires you need for the bypass. theres two differant immoblizers in these cars/ you have one or the other depending on what the key says.
if youve never done a remote start before, this isnt a great car to learn on.
It depends on what kind of remote starter your buying. Most places charge $199 for a basic system w/ keyless entry on newer cars that need some sort of bypass module. Cost will go up more if you want a system with longer range, LED 2way remote, or LCD 2way remote.
$160 installed for all of that is cheap. Thats not a common price.