Remove tint? Can I do it?

So the car has some tint on it and I dont like it. Is there a way I can remove it, or do I need to take it to a professional to take it off. Its kind of purple looking, and its on a black car and I hate that.

Anyone help?

you sure can remove it. deff watch if the tint is covering window defrosters. if you peel back the defroster it wotn work. other then that its not to hard. gl

Its relatively simple except where the rear window defrosters are…generally they wont be happy after…but get a razor blad…peel the film in the corner and most of the time it will just rip right off and leave some residue from the glue…which u can scrape off with a healthy mix of windex and razor action.

They selll this tint removal kit at Advance. Its right by, were the tints are.
It comes right off.
Good luck!

sweet. Thanks yo

Just buy yourself a big bottle of rubbing alchol and ger scrapping, I used that with a blowdryer to soften up the glue and it came right off…

NEVER use a razor on your back window, just peel it away and use some acetone or however you spell it. should come right up

get u some warm soapy water and some rasors

if the tint is bad, use simply green and put a garbage bag up to the window and let sit in the sun. this works on the back window along with some steel wool

use straight razors for the front, try to pull from the top corner down. this as always worked, there was only 1 car I have ever did where I had the tint come off in little pieces and I had to simply green the back window. I still have nite mares

I took the tint off my car earlier this year cause I got a ticket and didn’t feel like getting any more. Getting the tint off is the easy part. Getting the glue off is the shitty part. I used Goo Gone and some steel wool. For those of you who don’t know steel wool is the best thing for getting stuff off of automotive windows.

I wasnt referring to the razor blade on the back window specifically. Everytime i have pulled tint the defrosters never quite work right regardless.

Use, buy, or borrow a heat gun. They can be had for $25.

Use a heat gun, be patient, and You will have the tint removed (in large easy to manage pieces) within 20 minutes.

Scrape (razor) a CORNER or SMALL SECTION of the tint. Just enough that You can grab a hold of. Then, lightly heat the area ahead of the peeled part. Pull away from the glass slowly (no ripping), move the heat gun fwd and follow behind it.

Then windex the LITTLE bit of residue that’s left.

2TurboZ may remember the shitty tint on the silver/blue mustang GT he had - heat cleaned off the entire hatch window in ~5-6 minutes. only left ~4-5 sq inches of glue on the glass.

No fucking with the defroster lines at all.

:tup: I have a heat gun somewhere too if you need to borrow a good one.

I’ll see what I can do tomorrow. Thanks for the replies

Heatgun FTW

I used googone years back, it works pretty good. with mine I could start it, and drip googone while I pulled it off.

wait…there’s a whole thread dedicated to how to peel off a sticker? WTF

Sorry its not a whole “OMG I just had sex with an ugly chick from the square and I need to tell of of NYSPEED about it” thread

This is general auto, where general auto questions get answered

but seriously, tint is just transparent vinyl. if you didn’t know how to do that, OMFG you’re retarded.

and she wasn’t ugly. she was fat.

^ no, she was ugly.


no, it’s not just like vinyl. Have You ever installed tint film?

fat = ugly

no such thing as a good looking fat girl…