Tint Removal: DIY or Shop?

So first off, I hate window tint, but the TDI I bought last summer came with it, so I left it alone. I have been pulled over 2 times recently because of it, once this past weekend on the way to Syracuse. Both times I was let off with a warning.

Trooper: I am pulling you over because you have an illegal window tint
Me: Sorry officer…
-blah blah-
Trooper: Make sure you get those removed otherwise you will get a ticket
Me: Can you recommend any good tint shops around Buffalo that will remove?
Trooper: There are no good tint shops. Have a good day.

So the question is, will I be better off trying to remove it myself (provided the necessary supplies)? Or should I just bring it to a shop? I don’t have a ton of free time, but if anyone has an efficient way of doing this, feel free to let me know.

I might need this done to. However Mine never involved a trooper, it just did the old turn purple and bubble in a few spots.

get some fresh razor blades, and a hair dryer.

Also some goo gone.

The side windows are very easy to get tint off of, the rear ones you need to be careful not to cut the defroster lines, or they won’t work this winter.

the tint will pull off defroster lines also

Odds are they wouldn’t work next winter either.

they did this in an issue of project car. it said to spray it with windex, cover the window with a garbage bag and when it evaporates it eats away at the adhesive. it has to be hot/ sunny though. could prolly use a hair dryer on it. its in the summer 2009 issue. i havent tried this, just read it. hope it helps.

get a spray bottle. fill it with soapy water. spray tint, peel with razorblade
don’t need a heat gun, don’t need a garbage bag.
so fucking easy. not worth any more discussion.

I hope its that easy!

it is. I’ve done it a lot

acetone works well for the left over glue


good luck with that back window tho

you can leave the back window and any other non door window

Sweet, thanks for the info guys :tup: :tup:

Its easier with heat, or if you can, just put your car in the sun for a few hours and that will help too.

Other than that, soapy water, razor, and some time.

you dont want the glue hot. its easier to scrap off cold. I have never seen a tinter removed tint with heat. peel tint off, soapy water or a good glass cleaner and a new ravor FTW

I removed the front window tint on an accord in 20 minutes for Vermont inspection, its not that hard. just make sure you get all the glue off especially near the window tracks.

razor blade, acetone and then windex

tint shop takes them off cheap and u dont have to dick around with the left over glue

Tint shop or heat gun…

I used a heat gun, and any kind of glue remover with a rag, for the back window… Sides should be pretty easy with a heat gun. Soften that shit up and peel like a sticker… Hair dryer might not get hot enough.
But you should set an hour in your schedule for this.

Any prices/recommendations on tint shops? If the price is right I will go there, seeing as I dont have a ton of time to throw around right now.

Seems like both strategies of regular peel vs. heated peel have yielded good results.

Rainbow and they are a NYSpeed sponsor. 877-3878

limo tint all around dawg!
