Tint Removal: DIY or Shop?

If you are considering a SHOP to do this for you then definitely go to Rainbow.

Had mine done @ rainbow…did a nice job. I could probably do it myself but, I’m too lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

BUMP, Removed all door tint, just not the back window. I have some residue on my driver window, and just a tacky texture to the other 3, any suggestions to get it off?

I have been told glass cleaner w/ammonia + 3m 000 steel wool will do the trick, anyone have something better?

I removed mine myself. Crappy purple tint on a new car. I just peeled it off, some of it came off easy in large chunks some ripped and took awhile and lots of little pieces. Then I razor bladed all the glue remaining on the window off. Probably took an hour or so to do both side windows on a 2dr car.

Remove thy self.

What you will need:

Razor Blade
Paper Towels

Roll down window about half way. Spray window toward top where tint starts. Take razor blade or scraper and start to peel of corner of tint. You should be able to pull it off like a huge sticker. What will be left will be the glue you are speaking of. I have used Windex or Goo Gone with a razor blade and did the trick.

I had a Cheektowaga cop dick with me the other day about the tint on my Bimmer. Never had issues even while being pulled over for other stuff on my Civic which is way darker but whatever.

I suppose I could do the sides and leave the rear. How the hell can you get the rear off without having your defroster not work this winter, or even the next winter? LOL

How much did Rainbow charge to the poster that had them do it?

I didn’t have Rainbow do it, but I am going to have them do the back window… I did all 4 doors, and one of them left some ugly adhesive. Rainbow said $100 for the entire car, most of the charge is due to the back window.

Thanks. I bet the back window is a hoe and a half.
Hrmmm. I may tempt fate and hope the same cop stays out of my area. He didn’t even go to his computer with my id and stuff cause I was all prepared and BAM with the cards.

You can have tint on your back windshield…it looks funky if the sides do not have tint but you technically don’t even need to see out of your back windshield if you have side mirrors. Similar to a box van with no back windows.

Yeah, I thought about that and just leaving the rear tint…would look lame as hell though. And if I’m paying for the rear I might as well save the elbow grease for somethin else and pay for them all to be done.

I took the tint off the side windows on the Formula I bought the other day, took me about 15mins, windex w ammonia, a hair dryer and a razor blade, drivers window came off in one piece, passanger window wasnt as easy but still simple as hell

Tim, any residue still there? (To the touch)