Removing EVAP, help please

degreasing engine bay and got about 12 garbage bags full of stuff i took off for weight reduction and emission stuff i no longer need.

stuff im sure about: EGR blockoff, sort of a gimme

no idea but labeled incase i change my mind: EVAP Canister and liens with purge solenoid. Removed it, and all i have left is the line from the gas tank (fumes) that usta be filtered through the canister than go through the solenoid then to the throttle body, now its just tank to throttle body. I know im gonna throw a code o well i already have more than 5, but can i plug the line from the tank, or can i just leave it going into the throttle body?

my main purpose to remove the EVAP system is to have a little extra breathing room running rich just to keep detonation away.

i dont care about the environment or gas mileage, comments and suggestions?