removing old decals

i have this spare dash i bought that has a pretty big and ugly decal on it… it’s hard to get at and bits chip off when i peel/scrap it. looks like it was stored outside cause it’s all dried up…

any suggestions to remove this safely without damaging the vinyl on my dash?

Try a heat gun, that should work. A hair dryer might even work. Just heat it up and it should peel off easily.

X2 for the heat gun. Be careful on the dash though, you don’t want to melt or stretch the vinyl as you peel the decal off… Try a hair dryer first, just in case.

windex is really good at killing the adhesive and gets rid of the nasty gummy sticky residue.

We used to use it to pull decals off helmets seadoos and bikes. They did some nasty things with vinyl in the 90s.

I’d hesitate to use a heat gun on a vinyl dash

HUM… i guess i’ll try blow dryer… so should i even try windex?

Ronsonol a.k.a Zippo lighter fluid is really good at removing decals as well.

I doubt that would cause any harm to the dash either, but you could test in an inconspicuous area perhaps.

I’ve never tried lighter fluid to remove a decal, just to wipe off the sticky residue after…

The ronsonol tends to make it easier to come off as well in my experience.

Since it’s dried up, you could soak it in ronsonol and then try gently removing it bit at a time. :dunno:

There’s something called Goo Gone that you can buy from Canadian Tire or Home Depot. Those stuff works pretty good too.

why is everyone so scared to use brake cleaner? that stuff takes any type of shit off.

dealerships use brake cleaners to take off those sticky tape covering the cars when delivered to customers…and no…it does not damage the paint.

what the do you mean it does not damage the paint… drip a bit a brake fluid on you hood and leave it for a couple weeks… the fluid it self doesn’t damage it, but when it collects moisture it becomes acidic… turn into birdshit for paint.

Brake fluid is different from brake cleaner. Just in case you didn’t know that.

Goo Gone… Used it to remove the clear plastic protective thing they put on the front of cars… worked like a charm

Sorry if that didn’t make sense.

It wasn’t the Windex that did bad things with vinyl.

Honda, Bombardier and HJC did nasty things with vinyl.

We used the Windex to take the crap off and sell them.