Removing paint from moldings?

I’m re-staining all the moldings in my bathroom. There is like 5 different colors of paint on these last modlings I’m doing and the shape of them makes it immpossile to use the palm sander on. Is there a air craft stripper for wood work or something ?

Any hardware store or paint store will sell paint stripper. Brush it on, let it sit, use steel wool to get it off. Sand it by starting somewhere in the neighborhood of 80-100 and finishing with 120 if it’s a darker stain color or 150 for a lighter stain color and then stain. Since you’ll never get 100% of it off, you’re going to want to look into a gel stain or at the very least a wiping stain so that it has enough body to somewhat hide the unevenness (that even a word?) of the wood. Penetrating stain will be a nightmare if there’s even a hint of paint left. Let it dry and hit it with 2 coats of polyurethane.

Just did this to some crown molding in my house. I used a paint stripper in an aerosol can, Jasco I think it was. Sprayed it on, sat 10 minutes, then used the steel wool. I had to do a couple passes to get it all off but it worked pretty good. Was really happy about keeping the original stuff in the house.

Perfect, Thanks to you both. :tup:

Why dont you just get new ones?

Why dont you just get new ones?


I do somewhere between 5 and 10 stain matches for people a week and when I see a cutoff from the wood they’re using in their house, I’m usually pretty shocked at the shitty quality. The wood is usually covered in mill glaze and full of saw marks that have to be sanded off to get the stain to take evenly. It’s also almost always filled with soft spots that takes stain so blotchy that it’s unacceptable to me. Stripping and refinishing the existing woodwork is well worth the work to not deal with the crap wood many people buy.