where is a good place locally to get wood stripped?

I am looking to get some old wood stripped of all the old paint and varnish that has built up over teh years. They came from my fathers old window surrondings in his kitchen. I am not frigging sanding that shit, there is 50 years of paint and shit on there. I tried chemical stripper but it didnt really do shit. Looking for a place that maybe sand blasts or dips the stuff. Anyone have experiance or know of a good place locally?

DIY. Once you figure out what the finish is and use the appropriate corresponding stripper it should come off pretty easily, possibly even with just a rag.

Test the finish first with denatured alcohol. If the finish liquefies, it’s shellac; if it gets soft but doesn’t dissolve, it’s a mixture of shellac and lacquer. Test the surface again with lacquer thinner; if it liquefies, it’s lacquer. Shellac can be removed with denatured alcohol, lacquer with lacquer thinner, and a shellac-lacquer combination with a 50-50 mixture of denatured alcohol and lacquer thinner. Stripping with chemical compounds is not necessary to remove these finishes.

Yeah but like I said there is no lie 70 years of old paint on there. Im not gonna go through each one.

Paint scraper, and a hammer. then sand the remains

PM Suzukiriderman He does soda blasting and other media blasting that may prove to be effective for what you are trying to do.

I wouldn’t suggest dipping it.

If you have them aloose, take them to someone to have them media blasted.

The only place that I knew of was Jackson Prep, but I’m 95% positive that they closed years ago. Will look em up.


On topic:
Did you try a heat gun? Can we see pics of window trim worth all the effort?

I will post some pics tomorrow, In case you guys aren’t catching my drift I don’t feel like doing it myself.

heat gun and a putty knife, I had to do an old Victorian house this way. just make sure you do it in an open area, and wear a respirator if it has led paint on it.

It should come off pretty fast this way, Just heat then push the putty knife along, heat and push, before you know it you will get really fast at it.