Rendell FTL

Trickle down economics is most certainly an entry level theory. Anything you learn in a non-economics based major is entry level. Then again, if that is what you want to call what you just typed, then very well :ugh: Just because you read “The Wealth of Nations” doesn’t make you an economist :rofl:

So, if you want to discuss what you are trying to talk about, which is supply-side econ, then please, go right ahead. But remember who coined the term Trickle-Down econ, it was Reagan’s budget director, and well all know how well Reaganomics worked for this country.

So yes, trickle down is great! Let’s reduce the taxes on corporations and the rich, that will help us the most. What a great idea! Wow!

And please, I know exactly how knowledgable I am in the realm of economics. I deal with economics every day, both in government and private business entities. I don’t need to sit here and glorify or rationalize myself in front of you, of all people, in a realm that I am completely comfortable in and more than well versed in.

And also, how are you going to tell me how well versed I am in econ based on university and classes taken? You’re a cell phone salesman with a lying habit. Simmer down.