Actually, sorry not in cellular, been kind of out of that for some time. It also was a great income, when I got into management and recruiting, so it definitely shows your ignorance to the world.
Yes, tax breaks for the corporations and rich most definitely benefit the world more than it would for someone like yourself who is probably in a lower bracket.
If I own a company, and I am the beneficiary of a tax cut. What’s that mean to me? It means I have more revenue to reinvest back into my business, which in turn could allow me to expand, open more jobs, and be more productive into the economy. That’s common sense.
Last time I checked, Reagan was the reason we seen any economic growth in the 1990s. If you feel Clinton spurred any growth then youre sadly mistaken. A President cannot grow an economy in a year, nor can he destroy it. Affects of a President take years to be seen.
Another thing we need to get rid of are Unions… all of them. Parasites to our Nation and the reason for outsourcing. Hell, I don’t blame corporations for getting away from Unions. Worker at a Ford plant last year made $73/hr to ensure lugnuts were tight enough after vehicle production. $73/hr for that bullshit job, just because of his time in? Unions, protecting the unskilled worker for far too long.
So don’t even lecture me on economics boy. Until you get your head out of your ass, and don’t take every thing, word for word out of a text book, get out in the real world, make a decent income, own property that you pay taxes on, manage actual employees who have families to support, then you can actually contribute a useful opinion on the economy.
Until you fully contribute, keep your mouth shut