Rendell FTL

:rofl: :rofl: :bowrofl: Wow. It’s almost incomprehensible that you could be that stupid.

Back away from the Republican rhetoric, and realize that Reagan single handedly drove this country into the immense trade deficit with his Reaganomics.

The fact that you can even attempt to argue that point is pure insanity.

And listen here mother fucker, you don’t know a fucking thing about whether I own a house, property, a business, or any of that.

I manage employees every day that look to me to ensure their lifestyle and ability to live.

I don’t have to lie to get away with anything on this board. People on here know exactly what I do, what I run, what I own and what I do.

You are a known liar and someone who thinks they can somehow intimidate me by simply stating an economic THEORY and then having absolutely nothing to back it up outside of a guy making big money tightening lugnuts.

Hopefully you rationalize and argue as well as you fuck, and we won’t ever have to worry about little liars like you running around in this world.