Rendell FTL

I don’t usually get involved in these threads, nor am i going to get involved in your pissing match with ZO6. Also, i do not normally pull out the old fart factor, but in this case i will make an exception. I have to disagree with your opinion here 442, I lived through Reaganomics. I also lived through the Carter years(bought my first home during the Carter term). Reagan did a lot of shit i did not agree with, but his economic policies worked. The revenue flowing into the Government coffers doubled between 1980 and 1990. Same thing on a smaller scale when JFK did it. Some of the profs at Pitt may not like this concept (my son goes to Pitt, i know what some of the profs are like), but the facts speak for themselves. Problem is, an out of control congress spent all the damn money.

Which brings me to the original posting on this thread. Fast Eddy is going to fuck us once again. I cannot believe that this thug got elected again. One of the reasons (there are many) that health care costs are spiraling is Government money. When the Government pumps $$ into something, there is no incentive to control costs and spending. Tell someone that their health care is free form the government, then they will run to the ER if they have the sniffles. Tell them that they have to cough up 100 bucks and they will take sudafed until they feel better. So Eddy wants to dump more money into this black hole?:finger2:
Secondly, the property tax decrease is nothing but Bullshit. Raise the sales tax and give PARTIAL property tax relief? Right. In 5 yers the property tax will be right back where it is today, PLUS we will have the increased sales tax. The only RIGHT way to do a tax shift is E-LIM-I-NATE property taxes. Forever. Make them go away. I would support that 100%. Raise it 1-2% and eliminate ALL sales tax exemptions. (the state spends millions on exemption compliance that is a waste…no exemptions, no need to spend that money). There have been studies that illustrate that the property tax could be eliminated with this scenario. If you want to see school district spending brought under control, then eliminate the property tax.
AS to the state budget, thats also a bunch of bullshit. CUT THE FUCKER! Stop spending (wasting) so much damn money. There is NO reason for the rate of spending increases to outpace inflation every single year.
ARRRGGGHHH…this shit makes me crazy…fucking politicians