Rendell FTL

I’m far from an economist, I just have a better grasp on things than a lot of the younger base does on here.

Now, I actually agree with you on that statement. Partially. Government does have to spend in some crucial areas constantly. But not going on a splurge like we’ve seen with most democratic congresses

only way to make them exempt from taxation is to cut off their hand outs. Can’t have it both ways

as much of a good idea it is, you’ll never see the biofuel become mainstream, big oil has their hands in everyone’s underware, all parties.

democratic splurge? Bush and the Republican congress turned in the biggest deficit in the nation’s history last year. They’ve increased the national debt exponentially faster over the last 6 years than under any other administration.

But then again they’ve cut corporate taxes and taxes on the rich. Too bad out economy still sucks.

I addressed a couple of these points in my “11 ways to fix the country” thread, but Pewter apparantly didnt agree with them so he kept deleting the thread.

last time I checked, I’m not rich. I’m well off, but not rich. I worked hard to be where I am at my age. I got a loooong ways to go still. Although the government likes to tax me like I’m rich though rofl.

I still work 40-45 hours a week just like the majority of America.

But I’m not talking about raising the taxes on the poor, I’m talking about a standard tax rate, thats middle ground for all… unfortunately it’s going to have to go up for some brackets, may as well do it from the less contributing ones since their hand is already in the pot taking. The lowest tax bracket only contributes a small marginable % of tax revenue compared to the middle and uppers

Actually our economy is doing quite well, not sure where you get your financial reports from, but John Stewart is not a viable source.

The Dollar is at .79 Euro, which is the closest it has ever been with the exception of the Euro’s inception, but its closer than Clinton has ever had it.

On paper

in real life

this is a major problem
& some BS budget plan is not going to help.

Actually you are only partially correct. If viewed as a static number, then yes, b ut when viewed as a % of GDP, that isn’t accurate in comparison to the spending spree of the 80’s, when RR was prez and had a democratic controlled house and senate.
But one thing is very true. BOTH parties spend like drunken sailors. The spending, pork, and earmarks are one of the reasons that the electorate punished the republicans in the mid terms. I ownder if they will get the message, and i wonder if the democrats are smart enough to see this. My guess is no on both counts.

By almost every measurable indicator, the economy is doing just fine. It would be doing even better if we werent spending billions on the war, but we are there, so thats really moot at this point.
As to 'tax cuts for the rich", how the fuck do you give tax cuts to the poor? They don’t pay any taxes in the first place, so how do you give them a tax cut?
I refuse to play the class warfare game. We ALL pay too much in taxes. The myriad of governments we have to deal with (Why do we have to have federal,state,county, township,city, school dist, etc governments anyway??) all taking our $$ and spending it like it’s someone elses money(DUH). ALL government entities need to cut spending AND taxes.

the dollar vs the euro really isnt a viable source on the state of our economy either.

In the US, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is starting to evaporate.

where are you coming up with this conclussion? If anything the middle class is getting richer… which last time I checked, was not a bad thing.

so if the lowest tax bracket contributes only a marginal % of tax revenue, why try and place even more of a burden on them? Personally, I think the income tax should just be done away with. It was only supposed to be temporary, and when it was originally conceived it was a fraction of what it is now % wise.

This country needs to have MASSIVE, MASSIVE spending cuts. It’s GOVERNMENT GONE WILD here in the US. The bullshit programs and bureauracies we fund and the pork barrel spending has gone completly unchecked. Our military spending is OUTRAGEOUS. The federal government needs to be gutted and rebuilt from the bottom up. It might take 10 years or more to do it, but it HAS to be done. We’re pissing away so much taxpayer money its ridiculous.

I agree 100% with these sentiments. It’s so off the hook and it’s only getting worse.

cost of living is going crazy while wages are staying the same. Property values are going through the roof, causing more middle class families to have to rent instead of own. Cost of education is skyrocketing. gasoline doubled, which means that the cost of anything that has to be shipped somewhere (which is pretty much everything) will have to go up. The national debt is staggering. Social Security is about to go bankrupt, health insurance is skyrocketing…

remove property taxes, lower income taxes.

Whats the point of taxing you on something that you already own, and do not transfer ownership to over and over?

I’m not renting land from my borough, county, city, or state. I own it, it’s my land. I shouldn’t be taxed on it over and over.

income tax has its purpose, but it’s %'s are out of hand.

Thats fine, with your arguement on the poor. But why should the rich pay more of a %? Because they have more? sorry, but this is not a socialist or a communist nation, we’re equal in our value to humanity, but our contribution factor will never be.

money is like cocaine to the government. If they have it, they will spend it and steal your shit to get more of it. If we phased out the income tax over several years, it would force the government to start prioritizing its projects, instead of spending $200 million dollars on a bridge to fucking nowhere.

you live in a community. You pay property taxes. Your kids can go to school, you have roads to drive on, if your house catches on fire someone will come and put it out, if a large black man is raping you guys with guns will come and save you… you want all that for free?

the property tax is far more fair than the income tax. The government doesnt need to be spending billions on bullshit like space exploration when we are trillions of dollars in debt.

my income taxes cover more than enough for all of those services

vote libertarian

obviously it doesnt.

obviously it does, if you cut out a lot of the bullshit

you hit the nail on the head. The government needs to stick to the things its supposed to be doing, like building roads and schools and providing public services. If we’d cut out all of the bullshit, then we could probably do away with property AND income taxes.