Rep showing the giver Yes or No.

lol @ the only people that object to having the names shown being the people giving out the random neg rep

Well according to this poll most wanted to see who left it :ponder


Jesse, its more fun this way. Callouts are more entertaining when made public.

the only positive i got is from kramer and jeff… and adam has given me the most negaitive :frowning:

:rofl :tongue

:rofl All in fun dood :thumbup

NO. rep is srs business, ADAM.



adam sucks, we all should neg rep him LOL

I want black rep like singh

You would like it black…


Oh he got you on that one

Once you go black you never go back.

I banged a black chick once. I went back. Odd

k20 pm’ed me like:

“yooooooooooooooo can i get some black rep like yours”

0.o dude… no

ok really i have no idea why my rep is black LOL but im gonna act like i did something custom on purpose

yea i think its supposed to be

once u go black u never come back


Ehh this whole rep thing I really dont care…

In a proper setting its great, but when the people on here with the mentality of a 10 year old use it they just neg rep people for whatever reason.

I wouldn’t exspect the rep system on this forum to be used properly.

Like I said I don’t really give a shit

I hardly neg rep people… For the most part I just give + rep when someone actually posts something amusing/usefull and not just a bunch of garbage, but thats few and far between

You turned off your rep. It says disabled.

oh :facepalm

that explains it

pjb = this

rep showing the giver ftw.

fuck you guys.