Replacement car, Elantra vs Fusion

I’m not going to argue with you because I already know you are wrong, we looked at both cars and the prices weren’t even close and this was before the discount through her work that we found out about. It doesn’t matter anyways we are pulling the trigger on the Fusion because we like it better and she didn’t like driving the Elantra due to blind spots caused by the A-pillars and mirrors.

I sell both ford and hyundai so not really sure what you were comparing

You can’t get the car you listed with those options near the price you came up with here in Denver Colorado, so maybe the market in NY is better, but here where I live I can get a fusion optioned out to the way we want for less than the sonata optioned out the way we want.

My Aunt rented an 2011 Elantra when they visited from Chicago and it got over 40 mpg with an automatic transmission, bunch of luggage, and two plus sized people.