Report: GM may buy BMW engines

…and I know in Q1 2007 Toyota was still #1 in global sales

OMG did you just quote wikipedia as fact checking source?

you’re done for the day, go sit down.

Sorry, I didn’t think this was a such a scholarly forum.

The reference is right under the table, but maybe you couldn’t see from way up in your ivory tower…

I don’t see any 2007 numbers.

OMG… Use google

edit for accuracy:

Actual numbers:

Basically, a tie with GM squeaking out a 3k unit gap

It is when you’re saying 2+2=5.

The PDF youposted is from OICA, which is not exactly an in dustry heavyweight

The Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles coordinates communication among manufacturers and manages a number of international auto shows.

The PDF itself is headered “World motor vehicle production” correspondents survey, without double counts. And even mentions provisional figures. And then goes on to show 2006…

Well. lets look at some actual numbers. You implied that Toyota outsold GM

Even though the 2007 numbers rolled out in January…showed:

updated 8:33 p.m. ET, Wed., Jan. 23, 2008

GM’s figure of 9,369,524 vehicles sold around the world …
Late Wednesday, Toyota said it sold 9.366 million …



Why should I find your facts for you??

Why should I find your facts for you??

Because it would be good for you.

Don’t criticize the references I give you. If you don’t like them, find your own.

Google is a fine research tool. I don’t know about you, Nikuk, but I don’t run to the library every time I want to look something up. This is 2008.

Maybe we should talk about growth in sales if straight sales numbers don’t do it for you…

Anything else?

No it wouldn’t, it would be good for you. Even though I am just killing time between classes so i guess I could have, but nah.

I never criticized google, I took offense to you trying to post Wikipedia as a fact source… considering that it is nothing more then the worlds largest blog.

Wikipedia has its faults, but for the purpose of being an easily digestible fact resource (with references) it does the job. If I were writing a submission to a scholarly journal (which I have done) I would do the research. For NYSpeed I’ll gladly let someone else do it for me.

How about we get back on topic.

Is there any indication as to which motors could be used in GM’s?

Then don’t so easily befuddled when you’re called out on it.



LOL I’ll see if I can improve on my befuddlement as soon as I figure out how I demonstrated befuddlement.

Back OT: I don’t think it has been mentioned, but last I read Fiat is in on this little pow-wow too.

It has something to do with the hybrid technology BMW, Chrysler, and GM have been working on.

I was seriously looking at Saturn Vue’s when I bought my Xterra because they came with Honda drivetrains for a few years. A small/midsized SUV with a BMW I6 sounds tempting too.

umm… Google can be your friend…

GM 2007: 9.369M
Toyota 2007: 9.366M

As for which motors, since GM cancelled the Northstar replacement, I’d bet any of the V8’s would be up for grabs.

And yes, GM, BMW and DCX (pre-divorce) were working on the two-mode hybrid transmission that’s now in the Tahoe, so I’d bet that the engine deal is part of a quid-pro-quo (similar to the rumors that the Honda deal was for OnStar help).

GM cancelled the Northstar replacement because of the new emissions laws, so unless BMW has a more efficient V8 than GM could design I’d doubt that. :shrug:

Umm, the V8 in the new M3 gets 420 hp from 4.0L, while the Northstar had 320 from 4.6L…?

And I’d bet that buying the motor from BMW makes more economic sense for a low-volume app than engineering a whole new V8, especially given the new CAFE “environment” GM is working with.