hey before you jump to a headgasket try a leak down test. its a little more involved then a compression test. it’ll pin point with out a doubt if you have a leaking head gasket
- rotate your first cyl to top dead center of the compression stroke (intake and exhaust valves closed)
- reomove the spark plug
3.appy pressurized compressed air to the cyl - remove your rad cap and look for bubbling
- If none found continue the process for the other 3 cyl
the leak down can also help ID compression issues ( i know that not the issue with ur car)
- Air hissing from the tail pipe= poor/bad exhaust valves
- Air hissing from the Intake = poor/bad intake valves
- Air hissing from the dipstick = bad compression rings or a pison issue
- Bubbling coolent = bad head gasket/ warped head / streched head bolts…etc.etc etc etc
i hope this helps