Restraining order?

she’s answering texts and calls when she isnt around you… she pretents it annoys her around you but in reality she is totally eggin this guy on. and if he was in pgh she would leave you and go with him in a second.

trust no bitches, period…

that may very well be the case. :crying:

who are you and why are you so wrong and annoying?

i don’t understand why every thread i read (on very limited engagments) i see you posting bullshit as fact… again, i’m not sure why you feel the need to give your opinion as though it holds some truth to whatever the topic is, but be it as you may… you are wrong.

it is not legal go text email and call all anyone wants, surely not when instructed not to… please spend more time reading and much less time typing. kthx

PA Statute 5504. Harassment and stalking by communication or address.

(a) Harassment by communication or address.–A person commits the crime of harassment by communication or address when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another, the person:

  1. communicates to or about such other person any lewd, lascivious, threatening or abscene words, language, drawings or caricatures; or
  2. communicates repeatedly in an anonymous manner;
  3. communicates repeatedly at extremely inconvenient hours; or
  4. communicates repeatedly in a manner not covered by paragraph (2) or (3).

(a.1) Stalking by communication or address.–A person commits the crime of stalking by communication or address when the person engages in a course of conduct or repeatedly communicates to another under circumstances which demonstrate or communicate either of the following:

  1. An intent to place such other person in reasonable fear of bodily injury.
  2. An intent to cause substantial emotional distress to such other person.

[QUOTE=fshowcars;640683]it is not legal go text email and call all anyone wants, surely not when instructed not to… please spend more time reading and much less time typing. kthx [QUOTE]

“Also, he can text, email, call all he wants…no disrespect but it only becomes a problem when the gf answers it…just tell her to ignore it. If she pursues then it looks like she still cares.”

I did not state that it was legal for him to do so, I was only pointing out that he is and will do what he wants.

I understand your arguement. But they also said it happens sporatic, so I would not constitute it as harassment, pain in the ass yes, but harassment no.

a restraining order on this situtation is irrelevant. If the guy came to her house, called multiple times during the day and threatened then yes by all means take action.

But if your going to waist your time worring about ex boyfriends calling and texting and emailing over a couple occurances, then 1) you dont trust her, 2) this must be your first gf with an ex and 3) you must still be in high school bc you have nothing better to do with your time.

I completely agree with Flyinglow…

  1. if shes coming home to you…who cares?

  2. its her job to tell him to bug off…not yours.

  3. if it bothers you that much, take all legal action that sonny just pointed out…and waist time trying to find a police dept that is going to get involved in a civil suit. Or better yet waist your time going downtown to file a restraining order for some guy who still likes her.

point is there are 2 guys in love with one girl…fight nice boys!
And to the girl…choose wisely.

Solution: UZI.

Yea do yourself a favor, get ALL the info before passing judgment on a poor dude that is getting lead along just as badly as you may be. She MAY be doing one thing while your around, and something completly different when your gone. Get all the facts first. Ask to see her cell records, see if she is calling or texting him. If she refuses to give them up, I would assume guilt right then.

Good luck brother, there wont be a happy ending.

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see the entire records

call him up and let him know whats going on, and be nice. if he still does it then tell your girl to call him up saying she broke up with you and needs comforting. when he shows up unload a clip into his chest and place a knife in his hand? :dunno: