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so what you are saying is that the US has never taken any physical action that could have provoked the attack on the WTC? If you honestly believe that, then not only arre you a fucking retard, but you are also an uninformed fucking retard.

And if someone knew a person who died in the attacks, then maybe it would open their eyes as well. You probably wish you knew someone that died, so you could cry cry cry about how violated you feel.

9/11 wasn’t something that just happened out of the blue. it’s been building up since WW2. acting like canada? canada dosen’t pull the shit we do, they worry about themselves and it’s good.

oh man, other countries are going to assume the role of world police? i’d rather have somebody else picking on meaningless countries than us.

i love how it’s clear as day what our policies are except for us. then again, we’re so caught up on stupid shit like american idol, we could give a damn about politics.

and what are you saying about attacking newman from the front and back? eww.

so i guess what you’re saying is that u condone attacking and killing thousands of innocent civilians because of political or religious beliefs?

to be honest, i dislike politics and try to pay as little attention as possible; but i still realize how some things have to be done. 9/11 was not something that had to or should have happened.

how would a person’s eyes be opened if they knew someone who was caught dying on video? if the person was smart, they would agree with me. if they were a drama queen, big talking wannabe political radicalist, or an idiot, they would agree with you.

No, I am not saying i condone it at all. But you seem to justify anything that our government has done. Well, I hate to break it to you, but the “terrorists” were hardly casting the first stone, and we have killed thousands based on OUR political beliefs. Since you make take such an avid stance that i am so wrong, try doing a little investigating into our country’s past…

You are very difficult to argue with, because you are probably one of the most unintelligent/uninformed people that i have ever had the displeasure of “meeting” online.

That whole “just put newman on your ignore list” idea REALLY works! This thread just got 100x better!


yes, there it is…that has been my stance all along…

think of it like this:
this bully has been picking on you in secret, all of your life, and has killed your family and your friends. up until recently, you’ve just taken the abuse. then, one day, you snap and kill his siblings. everyone sees it as some random violence and the bully uses it as a spark to get everyone else involved and against you. then one day, everyone realizes that the bully is full of shit and his money isn’t good anymore. get it?

So I’m a bad person for not liking someone without knowing them? Then you’re a bad person for judging me. All I said was I didn’t like him. Cry about it.

It’s not that I don’t like him because of person decisions, I’ve seen him around before and I just don’t like him.

I’d advise you to just shut the fuck up now before you dig your hole deeper…

good for you. one less idiot in the crowd.

you clearly stated “you touch guys”, i think that’s the dead give away. you don’t like him, so what. keep it to yourself, nothing is going to change when you make yourself out to be an asshole and a biggot.

just stop.

The problem here is favoritism. I personally don’t like newmans sig, its retarded and 99% of everything he says is just for attention. It seems people like newman get away with a lot more than just the average person would. I feel that if the average person who wasn’t friends with the mods said or had things like that in there sig they would be told to take it down or get banned.

i am obviously doing it for attention, i have no political stance whatsoever.

98 red Eex’s text sig can be considered just as offensive as mine. However, since my view isn’t the norm, it’s offensive and radical.

ding ding ding!!! we have a winner

I just think you over do it to much. Its easy to get your point across with out insulting people left and right.

I’m not allowed to dislike homosexuals but you’re allowed to dislike governmental leaders? I didn’t know those were the rules.

It’s not that I dislike all homosexuals but sometimes people that are homosexual act a certain way that makes me not like them.

I was threatened by zwarbyt for doing the same thing that beckington and newman and snails is doing

haha, right. because i haven’t been banned, or forced to remove sigs, etc etc. Cry.

Holy shit, i can’t even begin to approach this. Didn’t it recently come out that you were racist too? Go cuddle with the bigots on team badazz.

I never said I was racist.

Not liking someone for being a racist is prejudice itself. Hypocrites are everywhere.

it’s the things that are out of the norm that are noticed. If you see the same thing, day in, day out, you no longer see it.

i hate hate, i don’t hate people that hate.