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Don’t be hatin’

hate and dislike are way different

Hatin’ hate like a hater. :pimp:

Well, here’s my new sig:
Don’t be black, because it can get you killed!

yes, racism and intolerance for racism are the same thing.

Unfortunately for you, little do you know my friend newman here holds these awards :

  1. Been banned the most times out of everyone.

  2. Been warned about the most amount of different things

When have you been warned about anything?

How many people have been totally banned off the board?

Maybe if you started being more vociferous about touchy subjects, you might see just how much we allow to go on around here…

But don’t hate on newman just because he has the balls to say shit more people don’t… whether or not I or you or anyone else agrees with it or not.

Hell, just to put things in perspective, I don’t like/agree with 60% of the shit Jeeves over here posts. But he’s still here, unscathed, unbanned.

If you wanna talk about “being friends with the mods” perhaps it’s not because I’m an admin of this board, but maybe because I’m not a fucking douchebag (most of the time) or prick IRL or here.

BTW, I have this OG vacuumm tube amp and it sounds better the longer it is turned on.

good one. Now when someone tells you that it was uncalled for and you are banned, you can cry favoritism, never realizing the lack of similarities between a potentially eye opening message to one that reeks of hate. Cry favoritism without realizing that the similarity to your statement and mine ends at the wording and sentence structure. good one.


Due to the nature of this post, I’m going to let that one go and just say that you were not really running on all cylinders when you decided to post that.

Tube amps for the win… the “warm” sounds.

I have not read this whole thread, and wont. But there is a huge difference between bigotry & criticism of the government. One is right, one is wrong. If You cant figure out the difference, You are in severe need.

really? because i was banned. And why is it with other people every time they got banned the time period would be increased but not for newman?

the ironic thing is you say not to hate on newman because he has the balls to say shit most people dont like, but then you hate on the guy who admits he doesnt like gay people.

if i had to venture a guess, it’s because things that i say do not reek of biggotous hatred? That could be it. Now, go on and compare hating a gay person to hating on a car. Do it, i’d really like to see you try. :wink:


p.s. analog > digital

Oh, please tell me how long newman was banned the last time?

It did get longer.

Are you banned right now? No.

Do you hate gay people too?

If you want to look at both of these situations the same way I applaud you for being able to.

So, tell me Jeeves, should gustav be banned now?

they are both personal opinions. I personally have nothing against gay people as i have had gay friends in highschool and know a couple now. But where exactly does it say you cant dislike someone because of their sexual tendency? Seems to be perfectly ok for every major religion…

wow that was hard.

And you cant seem to get it through your head i dont give a flying fuck what you think about fbodies. This is just one more attempt at poor little starved for attention newman to be the center of attention whiether it be good or bad.

don’t ban Gustav. I like to see people continuosly look stupid.

ANYONE who hates newman sig click here

Nothing wrong with bashing the government Im all for it.

But to use something as horrific as 9-11 to do so really strikes a personal nerve with me. My guess is that no one else speaking up lost someone they knew and cared about…that is what makes me sick about it. That is the reason why I wish he would take it down


you type all these words, but you really make no point, other than to seem more and more confused with each passing moment.

anyone who thinks we play favorites, or that its ok to hate people based on thier sexuality, click HERE