I just wanna know when it wants to get a good look at the V6’s tail lights :runaway
well, if it’s faster than the K20, idk how that’s gonna work :haha :ninja
but you dont know how my car runs with the cutout open and methanol :banana I dont either yet actually haha…Just know with the cutout open down low made a HUGE difference.
Im sick of spot jumping too. It just comes down to respect, and quit being stupid just because there is a group of people together. God help the first kid that is messing around and might hit someones ride fucking around. ohh buddyy.
its happened in the past several times already. THIS AINT MY FIRST RODEO!
EASY KILLER. You got nothing to prove… :wtfI’m just stating I wish people would just grow the fuck up, and quit ruining it for everyone else just to burn some rubber
lol idk man, duece spooled V8 > spooled v6 :ninja
…oopss :wow :sleep
i agree, but the mentality of people down there isnt the same… the IQ drops about 40 points once more that 10 cars show up. im just trying to wisen people up on here rather than saying “i told you so” after the fact
This has happened in all the high traffic areas year after year. It has never changed.
Park anywhere on central ave and the all the punks and dickheads come out of the woodwork.
Like travis said, the only way to get around this is to go to a more rural area.
central ave is always more desirable with all the activity, passer by and food locations… but it will not get better.
You can say all you want on line, man. People are going to do what they want. The crowd we hang out with down there knows better, we try to put a stop to the wreckless shit, before the cops show up and kick us out.
talk=poop, action= gets results.
yes, people are going to go where they please, but your form of “action” is going to get someone shot, stabbed or worse. people have had car wrecks, had guns and knives pulled on them in the past IN THE LOT… telling someone to stop with a threat of violence ISNT going to work… asking politely STILL dont work 90% of the time. learn to pick fights you can win.
k20 check your pm’s sent you one about the car lemme know.
wow, you guys complain about the a-holes on central and then refuse to go to the park and ride. Keeping Wendy’s isn’t an option… unless you tolerate the a-holes and want to run the risk with the cops giving out tickets and warnings. The logic in this thread is insane.
Dustin invited me to come out that night and I’m glad I decided not to. More bullshit, as always. With the weather getting better, it’ll only get worse.
damn the park and ride sounds good and what about the parkin garage in albany just keep it spread out over the area and go 2 diff spots each week keep em all wondering where they we went…
let me put it to you straight, the only people that are pushing the park and ride is the people that live 5 minutes away from the damn place, everyone else wants to stay at wendys, personally i dont care but i would like to stay with what i know, and what happens when the assholes come up to the park and ride, state and saratoga officers are pricks, they wont just ask us to leave like the colonie cops do. Theres logic to our thinking.
You know, there is another section of the Wendy’s lot we can park. At least when cops come (and the will, very soon) we’ll be isolated from them a little bit so maybe they’ll understand. Who knows.
we should park in the normal spot, and when the assholes come, then move to the other side, see if it sends them a message.
HAHAHA… :idiots… that logic is fuked.
you CAN NOT stop the idiots on central. No matter what amount of “logic” go into these solutions of yours, it wont work.
and we can stop them when they come to the park and ride? we cant stop them, obviously, because we have no authority, but we can atleast make an attempt to try and slow it down, some of us look forward to going to the lot, you really can speak for the people that do because you arent one of the ones that comes, so if you dont understand i would try to stay out of it, not being an asshole i just think your coming from a different perspective that isnt like every one elses that comes to the lot. Its easy for you to sayy or just go hear or go there, or just stop going at all, but its like tradition for me and i love going, and no asshole is going to ruin it.