Retards at the Lot...

I used to come to lot for 3-4 years in a row. I know what will go on and what will happen. So my opinion is far more valuable than someone just getting into the lot for the first time and think the lot belongs to them and how they are going to fix all the problems.

You cannot compare the “lot” to the P&R. There has never been an a-hole incident at the park and ride EVER! Your claim of “they will come there too” is garbage since it hasn’t happened yet. I’m not saying it wont ever happen, but since it hasn’t yet, it’s by far the best option. If you want to hang out without any issues than driving to exit 8 should be worth it.

ive been coming to the lot for 5 yrs, i know what the hell is going on, but again your right

the lot blows my right nut.

well then why do you think there is a solution?

I never said there was a solution. I feel that i have been going there for a while, i like it there and im going to make an effort to stop whats going on, if it fails then i guess its the park and ride. WHen you like something, enjoy it, and believe in it, you dont let other people ruin it for you.

I think GranMassa is trying to get the point across that, others have tried several times to stop the fucktards and their acts and have not succeeded or have caused more trouble.

i understand that, so we just give up? fuck that, i wont give up because there are a few bad apples

Why go through ALL the trouble, they’re not going to stop…they’re obviously scumbags that have nothing else to do but blast their Daddy Yankee music and cause trouble.

Move all the good people to the Park and Ride and call it a day.

I completely understand your mindset of not allowing others to ruin your time, but when you are talking about a public place and are constantly running the risk of police action… there aren’t many options.

i agree on the p&r. fuck the lot. i have never gone there, and personally i wouldn’t. cops + me = no win situation. the p&r seems very chill, and is close enough to everything IMO. exit 8 isn’t far at all. if you think it is, well, i don’t know what to tell you.

there is plenty of shit near the p&r, and it seems like the only thing its lacking is the drama that happens off central ave.

i am up for trying the P&R…

so where is this P&R… of exit 8 means nothing to me… i’ve never been so how do i get there

if ur comin from albany get off at exit 8 and take a left accross the bridge and it is like right there on the left…if ur comin from saratoga take a right when u get off the exit…

sounds good… i’ll see if the lady is down for that…

just pick a day

I’m down for whatever, I just wanna chill talk cars and have a good time… I like the lot, been going there for a long time now… I’m just sicking of seeing all the little doucebags who just got a licence and trying to be cool, sure a burnout , donut or whatever is fun, just dont do it in a spot thats going to ruin it for everyone else… as fars as the Daddy Yankees go… we all know

Well next time there is a P&R lemme know, havent been there before but sounds liek a good time

Talkin cars, hanging out, nice weather=my cup of tea =)

im sure the assholes will find there way no matter where we go


ive said that b4 and ppl bugged on me for sayin it

i agree just sittin back and talkin cars round other car guys is relaxin and when u dont have 2 worry bout dicks its even better