"Retired navy guy spray painted my evo"

Been skimming through the posts. I think he’s an idiot for keeping the video up and discussing it.
On page 16 an attorney chimed in:

I’m an attorney who came across this post from another forum and I’d be willing to bet my entire salary for next year that OP and his supporters in this thread are at the bottom of the intellectual totem pole. It’s sickening how many of you think violence to this degree is justified. We don’t live in the Wild West, the law exists for a reason… As you will very soon find out. Vigilante justice to this extent over a piece of property is for the weak minded, period. You’re not doing society any favor by beating this guys ass. Your machismo high school bull**** and his narrow minded racism are a large part of what is wrong with society today. As the top voted YouTube comment says, “You are just as much of a jagoff as the vandalizer.” You can keep talking this “force necessary for defense of property and detainment” bull**** but you are trained in Mixed Martial Arts. Who the **** is trained to the degree that you are, yet has to break a guy’s nose and leg in order to detain him… Oh wait, because he spit on you? How old are you again? Then again, it’s not surprising that people like you and your supporters are shouting idiotic things like “castle doctrine!” and “self defense!”… I am on an Mitsu forum after all… Where the bottom of the aforementioned intellectual totem pole are sure to be. Who wants to take a $5,000 bet that less than 5% of your supporters in this thread have either gotten a 4 year degree, or make more than $70k/year?

You can keep parading this around OP, but I can promise you that there will be repercussions. I don’t know what attorney you hired (though something tells me you don’t really have one), but any one that tells you it’s OK to keep a video like this up and to publicly talk about the incident while the legal details are still being sorted out has no ing clue what they are doing. There are so many legal outcomes to this scenario that it is absolutely mind boggling anyone (attorney or otherwise) could think it’s a good idea to publicly share such things. Do you realize how powerful of a force the Internet is? Do you realize how far and how fast this video is going to spread? I’m not going to tell you what forum I came from, but let’s just say it has absolutely nothing to do with cars. All it takes is one attorney to see this video and decide to take up his case pro bono (either in the hopes of cashing in, or just because you sound like a dumb who needs to be taught a lesson in being a decent human being) to make your life a living hell. Whether you win the case or not you are going to be stressed and you are going to spend thousands defending yourself. And people like me are going to repost this video (for when you undoubtedly end up removing it) and share it throughout other large Internet communities in an attempt to cause a viral spread and hopefully bring some attention from some actual adults to this incident.

You morons can keep celebrating, but I promise the celebration will soon turn sour

this thread is full of retardedness, goddamn

It made it to Jalopnik already

:tup: Just like we practiced!
Yeah I’d flip if I walked out to seeing that. Guy got what he deserves.

did the guy deserve the ass beating? Yes. but, both the ass beating and cop involvement is a no-no. It’s one or the other.

I’d like to THINK if it was me, I’d beat the guys ass, have him pay me the damages, and be on my way OR, call the cops, but not lay a hand on him.

I’m just glad they caught the guy fucking with their car… As a victim of having my car keyed, there is no worse feeling then being helpless… I’d give SO much to have walked out and seen the punk doing it.

ALSO; having been in a few fights, as freek said, it’s natural to act like that… blame it on our male genes. I may also add, I’ve never been hit harder than being hit by a 50 yr old construction worker.

EDIT: if this guy actually is a vet, then fuck him. Vets have fought for our freedom, and included in that freedom is the freedom of buying and driving whichever car you want to, no matter what country it’s made in.

He may have been video taping for evidence. Yeah he blew himself in for beating that dudes ass, but he got a clear as day confession from the guy.

---------- Post added at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:19 AM ----------

If he was 70 he would have been 0 when pearl harbor happened. And there is no way hes 88.

He’s right about one thing, the legal repercussions could be bad for the Evo kid.

On the other hand the part about fighting being immature makes him sound like a total whiny douchebag.

Yea wasn’t in the mood for math, nor was I ever good at history haha.

But for those that didn’t read the whole thing, if what the kid says is true, the man laid his hands on the kid and spit on him along with racial slurs. He then tried to get in his vehicle and leave.

For laying his hands on him, the actions seem to be in self defense. From what he said he also only hit the guy 4 times.

Also, turning the camera on himself and winking/smiling makes me think he was looking for fame. Screw this kid and screw the guy who painted his car… shitty situation

Chances are if a middle aged man is vandalizing your property,he has nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Wow. Truly sad on both accounts.

self defense ended when he took out the camera and yelled at the dude and then called him “faggot” along with other names. If he took out the camera to video tape the guy who did it and stated the time and what happened to tell the cops then it would have been different. Now the old guys attorney can totally charge the kids with crimes. I bet 20 bucks this is what happens:

1.)Guys pay for vandalizing of the evo
2.) Kid gets charged with assualt and pays 5k to 10k of medical bills for the old guy.

In the video the old guy does not show any violent nature or threatens them in any way. Judge will use this evidence against the kids in many ways.

Dont get me wrong I would have lost my shit too, but not video taped it. Thats just dumb.

LOL i googled 12-7 USN to see the history of that vessle and the whole front page (maybe more. Didnt check) are websites with the ass whooping video and story.

---------- Post added at 10:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------

And I get a facepalm for thinking “12-7 USN” was a vessle.[COLOR=“Silver”]

When your adrenaline gets pumping like that it’s hard not to yell and scream. Yes the guy didn’t seem aggressive because he just got the heck beat out of him. The kid probably wanted to videotape for proof but his adrenaline was still sky high. I can see this going either way. Even though he was yelling at the guy he stopped his retaliation against him and he even got the guy to admit his wrongdoing on tape. I suppose it’ll just have to play out.

If this kid couldnt defend himself, I have a feeling that the vet may have kicked his ass just for driving the “Jap car”. Apparently the vet called this kid a **** and spit in his face. Imagine a regular 40 something yr old guy walking out to his car with his 2 small children.

Everyone involved in the vid sucks. Period.

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------

And who the fuck puts white wheels on a grey car? :barf:

I did not see that in the vid. What I as a jury member would see is video evidence that shows a definate lack of restraint.

The guy probably deserved a beating, but after you beat his ass it better be worth not chasing down the “$1000”.
He paid his $1000 with his face.

100% fail.

all aboard the failboat

he shouldn’t have assaulted the man, plain and simple. Holding him down or stopping him from leaving the scene until the cops arrived would have been sufficient. Unfortunately for him, assault probably carries a heavier charge than vandalism.

LOL@claiming racism and then yelling the word “faggot”.

Also, it says a lot for our society when somebody feels they can degrade another person by simply defacing their property. It says even more that somebody would take such a huge risk to defend it thereafter.