Review : Alpha Dog

good movie :tup: didnt expect much from jt but he impressed me

Its dumb cuz it all could have been solved by him shooting the fuckers after they stole his tv/shit on his rug…

But just as I said in my review 4.5/5 for the rating.

Something Matt and I were talking about that I noticed later…the older nuts brother has all kinds of white supremicist tattoos etc and Johnny calls him a kike etc… Matt and I thought that it was to get a rise out of him…but in retrospect he was jewish or what I gather from all the Jewish stuff in the familys home like the manora etc.

Why the hell would he have all kinds of swasticas all over him? Maybe he was that nuts

Yeah I noticed that too that he was jewish but had all the swastica’s/white supremicist bs on him…

Anyone else get scared by the kids real mother? OMG I was freaked out by how psychotic/crazy she was.

saw this tonight. gosh it was so depressing at the end. but seriously, an amazing movie. would definitely recommend seeing this as well.

p.s. oh jt<3

when did they show his real mother?

Right at the end, the fat blonde talking about killing herself in the psychiatric ward and how her son was killed over 1200 bucks, all documentary style.

If the kid was as liked as he was in the movie I bet he never woulda been killed, but in fact to make the movie more likeable they give the kid a 3some, etc. I bet he was a couple douchebag in real life.

Although the “witnesses” claim otherwise so who knows the truth…

That was Sharon Stone in makup…

uh yeah word, that was her with about 50lbs of fatty make up added, not the real mom :uhh:

At the end of the movie it said in the credits otherwise. I have it downloaded I’ll screen shot it.

…maybe I’m wrong, but I was almost positive when I saw it in theatre and then in the downloaded version I have.

It def looked like Sharon Stone with a ton of make up on to me :gotme:

same here. at first it didn’t…but then they did a close up on her and I figured it was makeup.

X2 who didn’t see that. This was not a true story.

So we have some challenged youths on this site, no biggie. :wink:

yea was def her in a fat suit, was wonderin what i missed