Revolt against authority?

cavi, your in bport?

Close enough, I drive through it occasionally.

I hate when people say this. Some of these devices create a lot of false-positives and since people think they’re foolproof it puts the accused in a difficult position to defend themselves when they shouldn’t have to defend themselves in the first place.

That is not the way the plate reader works. It does not instantly look up your info. Your plate has to be on a file in the machine.

i am fine with this. i always keep my car legit.

Actually it is illegal to selectively run your plate without probable cause. If they run ALL plates it is perfectly legal.

B-port cops have always been a source of revenue for the town. Get to know the Judge that drives the old green pickup and you’ll be good once you get to court.

i am always insured, normally licensed, usually registered and rarely inspected.

i don’t approve.

I hate/fear big brother more than most but, 1) driving is not a right, it is a privilage 2) you are on public roads.
That being said, it is a slippery slope.
(Puts tinfoil hat back on)
Where the hell is the tinfoil hat smiley?!?

This system is good and works well. I know of numerous PD’s that have used this and stopped because they could not keep up with towing the cars. You have no idea how many vehicles are on the road driving without reg, ins, switched plates etc…It cost the rest of us an insane amount in insurance and stuff.

I’m completely for individual rights, and I’m usually one of the first people to speak up about issues regarding them, however this doesn’t strike me as a big deal.

Unless your driving without insurance, registration or on a suspended license or whatever it shouldn’t really be an issue.

I’ve been legal for quite some time, and the license plate really wasn’t the focus of the thread. I think my thread title was terribly worded but hey, isn’t that just following NYSpeed protocol?

You can stand on your soapbox and tell us that we should revolt but, for what? What do we gain from fighting the government from being able to have mild "tabs on us? Remember, us common (most of the time) do-gooders would keep our privacy but then so would the wacko child molestors and such. In a world trying to be governed by humans, we WILL make human disicions…never will all of us agree, never will everyone act accordingly. ever

I actually didn’t mean the title to be a statement, it was worded like a headline in a newspaper. It definitely came off horribly wrong and I didn’t realize it until it was way too late.

Dogs have an amazing sense of smell, obviously.
Just wait until that can be put in an electronic tool.
Cop drives by, pot detector goes off, you’re busted.
You thought pot heads were paranoid before?:ohnoes::biglaugh:

The RFID chip is awesome. Its full of security holes, I’ll just have to spoof as you when I drive around like a dick head

I don’t know who sucks more…

Cavi Mike or Just Karter.

That is almost poll worthy.

That being said, Cops run peoples plates all of the time, Anytime one is behind you at a light/drive thru/cruising down the interstate

After seeing the mess two close friends had to go through after being hit by worthless peices of shit with no registration/insurance I love these systems. I wish every cop car in the country had one.

Stop being a stupid little douche, realize that it is not an invasion of your privacy for a cop to run your plate, and realize how much this protects you from uninsured assholes.

This isn’t about the license plate, that was just what got me thinking about privacy and angered me. I’ve removed the paragraph altogether with some hopes to salvage what I wanted this thread to be about.

The failboat already set sail… there is very little that could be done to save this thread.