Revolt against authority?

Hahaha oh well, lesson learned.

That’s just a better failboat. We know the one constantly posted was actually saved by those crazy salvage guys.


In fact, prolly the best post all week.

We need this system in EVERY cruiser, in every town, set to High, Broil, Kill, w/e.

In this pussified society, there will never be a revolt. Like Britian, we will just keep giving up rights after rights, until we can’t keep up with the crime, and no matter what we do, the .gov will continue to take more and more. Remember life as it is now, because like our grandparents do, we will recall these years as the best we have ever seen it, and the future will just be a watered down, nanny state of life, where we are much to stupid to control our own lives. I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, but we seem to just defend it, and not live by it.

All motor vehicle stops must be supported by some level of proof. In other words, officers are not allowed to randomly stop vehicles (i). It is generally not possible to make the stop of a moving vehicle a consensual since an officer must show authority (turn on the emergency light and/or siren) and the motorist must comply (by pulling over) before the stop is accomplished. Anytime you have a law enforcement show of authority and compliance by the citizen, a seizure has occurred and thus, the officer must have, at a minimum, reasonable suspicion to believe that the vehicle is involved in unlawful activity

I get stopped all the time for “routine traffic stops”

that’s illegal on their part?