Revolution's Talon is Albertas First 9 Second Import

Well went to the track today and besides being cold as hell, had a great time and got to talk to and meet alot of good people. Between the cold, rain cancellation and constant oil downs still managed to set a new PB just two weeks after my last PB. Even though I haven’t’ had much time to change the tune since I brought on my secondary set of injectors the car is running real rich which is at-least safe. Looks like I also got the clutch problem sorted out finally and something less then a 1.9 60ft.:smiley: Well on to the run. Car went a 9.8@147Mph. This was the same boost setting as my other 150Mph passes but like I said the car is running pig rich and that probably accounted for that few lost Mph. I’m extremely happy with the car and finally getting that elusive 9 second pass. Can’t wait for next year. Here is a in car vid of the run enjoy.

Right Click and save

Good Job! Now find a way to may a Sentra fast. Bwhahaha. Oh wait…that will never happen. lol.

Bring it by the shop I can make it goes as fast as your pockets are deep.

